Do I seariousley have to rebuy this game?

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Archonsod said:
InstantBlade said:
Some of us are not exactly 12 year old kids, and do have opinions, and do think that everyone is entitled to his/her opinions,
Yes. The problem is you also seem to think everyone else is entitled to your opinion too.

Ah, come on. Now that was just retarded. When did I say any such thing? I don't even want others to share my opinion on the retardedness of your opinion. And no, being an admin, doesn't help in getting you a new brain.
...I don't hope for others to agree with me. I am quite ok with thinking I'm the only one having the opinion that WB is crap and I wont buy it. Actually I am not the only one thinking this.

Right. You better kick me or ban me or something, because I feel I'm turning into a little troll, but it's really becoming great fun watching people I once thought were good fun to get damn fanatical about a game. It's pretty pathetic, but great fun, really.
I think I paid about $7 for M&B and $30 or something for warband lols. It was worth it for the multiplayer but I do hope a bit more work is done to polish it out. One thing is for sure it was well spent. I recently purchased Dragon Age: Awakening waste of $40 for 4 hours of bugged out horrible gameplay DA:O was far better. Anyway...
I'm happy to help support this game and it's makers. All the great times I've had playing this and I'll gladly buy this expansion.
Ringwraith #5 said:
That's kinda how this business works. You make a game, you sell that game, then you invest the money you gained into making another game, rinse and repeat.
Not unless we've went back to 1995 without me noticing, no. The biggest and most prolific publisher in the industry is EA. Only 25% of their revenue comes from game releases, the rest from IP licensing. They can pump thirty million into game development not because their last game sold enough to generate thirty million in profit, but because the various products covered by the IP, of which the game is but one, are raking in thirty million per month. Nobody is going to make a Mount & Blade movie or merchandising range. Unless Uwe Boll gets hold of it anyway.
I forgot to finish that sentence a bit, so: The vast majority are simply improvements of the module, making WB - to a large extent - nothing more than a mod.
The same applies to virtually every game ever written which uses an engine. It's the entire point of using an engine rather than coding from scratch every time.

InstantBlade said:
Ah, come on. Now that was just retarded. When did I say any such thing?
It's an Oscar Wilde quote ...
Archonsod said:
I forgot to finish that sentence a bit, so: The vast majority are simply improvements of the module, making WB - to a large extent - nothing more than a mod.
The same applies to virtually every game ever written which uses an engine. It's the entire point of using an engine rather than coding from scratch every time.

Uh oh, we better go sue Bohemia Interactive for pullin' the same **** on ArmA 2! They just re-used the engine from ArmA 1, prettied it up, and sold it to us again! Those thieving bastards!  :roll:

I can sit here and make this claim, too! For those of you who have played ArmA and ArmA 2, you know I'm wrong to say that BIS is ripping everyone by selling ArmA 2 on the same engine. The same applies to Mount & Blade. Yes, Warband uses the same engine. Yes, it's a prettied up version of the original Mount & Blade. It also has dozens of new features, changes to existing features, improved efficiency, etc.

Also, if you all feel so ****in' ripped off, why didn't you speak up during the months of the beta? If you bought the original M&B you could have joined the open beta and played, and guess what? You could have *****ed then when it might have made a bit of difference.

But no. You waited until it was released and said "what's this ****?" The cake was in the oven, and while it started to burn you just let it sit. Then when your house caught on fire you tried to eat your cake and said "what's this ****?"

**** your cake!
Kevlar said:
Archonsod said:
Nobody is going to make a Mount & Blade movie or merchandising range. Unless Uwe Boll gets hold of it anyway.


Dear god no...

Halgrid said:
I think I paid about $7 for M&B and $30 or something for warband lols. It was worth it for the multiplayer but I do hope a bit more work is done to polish it out. One thing is for sure it was well spent. I recently purchased Dragon Age: Awakening waste of $40 for 4 hours of bugged out horrible gameplay DA:O was far better. Anyway...

Most games are released somewhat buggy, did you expect this to be bug free?

InstantBlade said:
Archonsod said:
InstantBlade said:
Some of us are not exactly 12 year old kids, and do have opinions, and do think that everyone is entitled to his/her opinions,
Yes. The problem is you also seem to think everyone else is entitled to your opinion too.

Ah, come on. Now that was just retarded. When did I say any such thing? I don't even want others to share my opinion on the retardedness of your opinion. And no, being an admin, doesn't help in getting you a new brain.
...I don't hope for others to agree with me. I am quite ok with thinking I'm the only one having the opinion that WB is crap and I wont buy it. Actually I am not the only one thinking this.

Right. You better kick me or ban me or something, because I feel I'm turning into a little troll, but it's really becoming great fun watching people I once thought were good fun to get damn fanatical about a game. It's pretty pathetic, but great fun, really.
This is taleworlds man, were but minions to the dictators called admins.
Prowlingbow said:
Ok I have a serial key but its for M&b not Warband am I seariousley going to have to buy this game again? because if I do im not going to waste my time with this crap

I've hardly ever seen an expansion game come out for free. This adds a wide variety of new features, including multi-player (although I wish there was a co-op campaign). So it's not some DLC(Downloadable Content). Definitely worth its money when they iron out the bugs.
kensaishogun said:
.. and apparently it's working, look at all the rabid fanbois, of course it's easy to spend mom's money, they should try working for them themselves, it might change their perspective. And it's not about the money anyway, it's about some people already having paid for it.

I'm 36 and work hard for my money - addtionally, certain financial commitments make it hard for me to splash out on new games often.

But, I paid less than £5 for M&B and got a ton of game play from it. I just spent little under £24.00 to buy Warband from the TW site and heck, if I never played it again, the amount of time I spent playing the beta alone would mean I'd already had my money's worth.

Personally, I think Warband is worth every penny. Does that mean I think everyone will? No, no game is ever going to suit everyone but for me, I love this game and don't have any issues spending my own money to buy it :smile:

And, in case some people have overlooked this, you do realise that TW are financing a number of official servers, right? Last time I checked they couldn't do that for free.
Okay this is getting stupid..


DarthMRN said:
I really don't see why kensai's argument is that hard to get. I got it after the first couple of posts.

Had M&B been a professionally developed game from the start, Multiplayer, a single player with fleshed out quests, up to date graphics, pretty much all of the major innovations Warband features over the original, could have been expected. They are a minimum for any industry game of certain genres that want to be taken seriously. Most of the lauded features of Warband are bare essentials for "real" games. Therefore, it is more than reasonable to have expected them to be in the first game, at least if we are to compare M&B to the big league. That is why Warband should have been an expansion, so as to make the indie into big league.

But then, you might say, M&B has so much innovative great stuff, that the lack of these bare essentials don't matter. I agree, but great content is the difference between a mediocre "real" game, and a great one. It isn't an argument why these bare essentials should be missing from the original game. In the realm of big leagues, it isn't unreasonable for M&B to be criticized for lacking core features, and then requiring the purchase of a brand new game to get them. That just means the original didn't meet minimum requirements (even if it did blow away maximum requirements, if that makes sense).

Get it? It is a matter of principle. You sell a brand new game in a series, whose major contributions to the series were what should have been bare essentials in the original. However, where I disagree with kensai, is that I think TW made up for this shortcoming by the original being as great as it is. In stead of getting an original game with the bare essentials and run of the mill gameplay, with an expansion adding more great features, we got a original game with all the great features, and an expansion that gave use the bare essentials. It was really just a big reverse from the norm, which isn't a problem so long as the finished product is awesome.

...or at least, that would be the case if Warband was a mere expansion. As a new game, it spits both on the original and itself, by being two separate halves that should have been one. It spits on native because it means native was a great indie, but lacked the bare essentials. And it spits on itself by not adding enough compared to native.

I think kensai's problem lies in this big reverse. For it means he got all the good stuff first, being super-happy with that, only to get an underwhelming expansion featuring what should have been there to begin with. When buying the serial key, we were promised the full game when it came out, after all. For all intents and purposes, Warband is that full game, and we didn't get it without a separate serial key.

Now, personally, I don't care. With such a low price tag on both for the immense enjoyment I've gotten, I can overlook such things, which I see as pretty much just kinks in the creation process. But the principle is there, and should be plain to see. I mean, imagine buying the game retail, only to have it replaced with Warband what, less than a year later. Money-wise it's not a big gripe, but it would be hard not to feel somewhat cheated.

As for the repeated argument that you don't have to buy the game: Yes, this is true, but also completely fallacious. It does not address the issue. If there are criminals roaming the streets at night, you can just choose to stay at home. That is not a justification of such a level of crime, or a reason against protesting it.

I don't think anyone has made as much sense as this man yet.  I know I'm late, but I just dusted off M&B again and then saw Warband and then this argument. I have to say that personally I'm trying really hard to not think of Warband as a rip-off, but since I bought M&B years ago, under the pretense I would get the 1.x *full game*, it does really grate that the game I thought I was helping to buy into to be developed is coming out with an additional tag. Honestly, I'd have been a lot less annoyed if the full game never got finished because it wasn't profitable enough. It's annoying that the game was profitable enough to finish properly... And squeeze a little more out of everyone.
Orion said:
The whole issue is terribly subjective, and arguing about it won't change any opinions. If you don't think the stand-alone expansion is worth $30, then don't buy it and post about how you feel "cheated." It's like going to a coffee shop, buying a donut, then getting angry with the clerk because the donut's taste hasn't improved significantly since yesterday.
Not particularly... Let's just look at your analogy another way, shall we? There's a donut shop that says for X amount of cash you can have all you can eat donuts for the whole day. The clerk tells you the donuts aren't very good right now but they'll be improving on the recipe as time goes on. "Sweet deal!" you say. You sit down and start enjoying your donuts, and they're decent. They don't really have any icing on them or anything, but they're pretty good. Near the end of the day, someone new comes into the coffee shop. He pays the clerk and sits down as well. You watch as he gets a pile of fresh donuts, with icing and fillings like you've been expecting all day. You smile at the clerk and ask for some of them, happy to finally enjoy the 'improved recipe' you believed you had bought. Imagine your surprise when she says, "Oh, I'm sorry, those aren't actually donuts included in your purchase. These are doughnuts. They're different. You can pay again though."

Multiplayer is a leap ahead, I'll agree. If I *cared* about multiplayer I'd pay for it. The problem is that when I bought M&B back in .6 something I remember reading the forums about all these great questline ideas and storylines and promises that such things would eventually be implemented in the final product. The final single-player M&B experience is good, but it's not complete. Warband *has* the complete experience. They just decided not to give it to me.

Now for the 1.011 is a full game argument, the numbers are arbitrary. You people do realize that right?
king lythas said:
Okay this is getting stupid..



Don't feed the fanboys might work aswell tho.

Would have been an epic battle if the admins weren't on a certain side. :lol: So far, as a neutral point of view, I can say that the "trolls" were clearly more persuasive than the "fanboys", which were sadly (and funny enough) represented by mostly "**** you i can use irony" dudes. :lol:
I've had M&B  sense 0.175 and when I bought it. it was soposed to keep working for all expansions. I was even bata testing warband and I helped by reporting alot of bugs. Im not really mad that I have too spend more money. Im mad that I dont have money and I want to play NOW.
Herbalstone said:
I've had M&B  sense 0.175 and when I bought it. it was soposed to keep working for all expansions.

There were no expansions announced until Warband, and there wasn't a public version of 0.175.
oh i mean .751 and by expantions i mean updates, but still. warband is basicly an update. its not even really a sequel, its the same game, modded and with MP
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