Diplomacy Enhanced (PBOD, Sounds, Armors, Improved Graphics and more) for 1.143

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Iorya Dragon


Since i like Diplomacy the most from all the mods available, and i cant play without it, i made myself a module combined with several others. Now its time to share this with you.

Diplomacy Enhanced contains:

Diplomacy+Pre-Battle Orders & Deployment (Diplo v4.2+PBOD v0.96.3) for 1.143+WSE
Better Banners
Metal Sounds (much better sound effects)
400+ New items including  new Armors, Helms, Weapons and Horses from Floris Mod Pack and Other Items mods i found
Cinematic Compilation (improved graphics, use HDR for this one)
2 Ladders Pack Sieges

I recommend you to use 300 or more battle size with Warband Battle Sizer Mod


10 prisoners per Point
50% more income from business
around 25% more income from villages/towns
construction of sieges reduced
construction time of buildings decreased by 200%
Slave Horse Mercenaries have now shield skills and they are a little better.

Sword Sister greatly improved, they are somewhat better than Swadian Knights and their equipment changed:


Use Tweak MB if you don't like these changes.


1)Copy the module directory to your module directory.
2)Create a new shortcut or run WSELoader.exe from the directory of the module to launch the game.


After entering the game world go to: Camp Menu > PBOD preferences and select what you want, also in the PBOD menu there is a option with Define Keys. if you dont want Shield Bash assign another key to it.

Download 800 MB archive:

Download v0.1


Oh god, there is a huge amount of people that made this possible, i just combined the mods and tweaked the gameplay a bit and made the new sword sister.

DIPLOMACY (<3333) by

Waihti - scripting
zParsifal - scripting

Diplo+PBOD by Caba`drin
Better Banners by MarkQuinn
Metal Sounds by Checkmaty
Cinematic Compilation by DOMA_
Floris Pack Items compilation by (monnikje)
AlphaDelta's mount & blade Viking pack
Warhorses by Wanderer949
OSP Community Helms
OSP? Medieval Helms

In progress. There are so many people...




Known Stuff:

- There some error you will notice with invalid items, just ignore them they will pass.
- Also i noticed that sometime the messages you see in the left corner of the screen are not displayed. If that happens just restart the game (exit and start again)
- A few items have incorrect prices - will fix in a future patch.
- 1 or 2 items have no texture - will fix in a future patch.


Thanks to the people that made Diplomacy which fixes the end game. The game cant be play without it.
Thanks to the community and all moders that made Warband a GAME and not a BETA DEMO with a nice combat.


If this gets popular i will make it more professional and polished.
Thank you sir, that's a good mod. But, I can't see the messages that appear on the lower left part of the screen. I tried to restart the game, but nothing changed. How can I restore them?
You have to run the game through wse_loadeder.exe which is located in the mod directory (and select the mod), WSE directory
Thanks for the answer, but WSE is outdated; I tried to download the newest version but even that isn't compatible with the 1.154 game version. That's a pity cause this mod, except the messages problem, is working fine with my game even if it is intended for 1.143 vers.
I played with the exact version in the mod package on 1.143. Not sure why it says outdated at you. I guess you have 2 mount and blade versions? See if you can uninstall 1.153 and try again. I believe wse makes a registry setting so it wont recognize 2 versions.
Uhm, 2 versions? I have the game updated to 1.154. I tried to launch both the WSE contained in your mod and the last WSE. They just don't work, saying my game version isn't compatible.
1) If you already have 1.153, uninstall it
2) You need to install the 1.143 version http://download.taleworlds.com/mb_warband_setup_1143.exe
3) Add the mod and use the wse loader in it.

That should work.
Iorya Dragon said:
1) If you already have 1.153, uninstall it
2) You need to install the 1.143 version
3) Add the mod and use the wse loader in it.

That should work.

I'm not sure if that's an option for us Steam users who have 1.154 - how would we go about that?
Check in steam if you have the cd key and thats it. The client i posted (official) will ask for cd-key and wont be as intrusive as steam. Steam is horrible with game with mods...
i have fresh 1.143 installed ,and when i start game at the end of loading screen i get CTD . im useing xp sp3 , have all requirments for the game .  just want to play singleplayer . does any1 have similar problem or possible solution?
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