Summary: I've setup a dedicated server and am running captains mode. The server is up and I can join, but when someone else is in the server and the initial warmup session ends, then we are unable to select equipment.
Is there a way to test this without having someone join as well? When the warmup ends without anyone else in the server, then it simply ends in a draw immediately and restarts the warmup. I only saw this unable to select equipment issue when there was actually someone else in the server.
How to Reproduce:
Note, I am using custom mp maps, but no game mods.
Config file:
Then end warmup and you cannot select any equipment in order to start the round. Game simply reverts back to warmup mode after the initial round timeout period.
Scene Name (if related):
Media (Screenshots & Video):
Computer Specs:
Running this on a Citadel Server (should be more than enough hardware specs).
Is there a way to test this without having someone join as well? When the warmup ends without anyone else in the server, then it simply ends in a draw immediately and restarts the warmup. I only saw this unable to select equipment issue when there was actually someone else in the server.
How to Reproduce:
Note, I am using custom mp maps, but no game mods.
Config file:
Startup Command:ServerName Server Name Here
WelcomeMessage Welcome message here.
GamePassword my-password
AdminPassword my-password
GameType Captain
add_map_to_automated_battle_pool mp_map_1
add_map_to_automated_battle_pool mp_map_2
add_map_to_usable_maps mp_map_1
add_map_to_usable_maps mp_map_2
AllowPollsToKickPlayers False
AllowPollsToBanPlayers False
AllowPollsToChangeMaps False
RoundTotal 5
MapTimeLimit 15
RoundPreparationTimeLimit 45
AutoTeamBalanceThreshold 1
WarmupTimeLimit 3
MinNumberOfPlayersForMatchStart 0
MaxNumberOfPlayers 20
NumberOfBotsPerFormation 60
FriendlyFireDamageMeleeSelfPercent 5
FriendlyFireDamageMeleeFriendPercent 25
FriendlyFireDamageRangedSelfPercent 5
FriendlyFireDamageRangedFriendPercent 25
set_automated_battle_count -1
/port 7210 /dedicatedcustomserverconfigfile gm_captains.txt /dedicatedcustomserverauthtoken my-token-here /LogOutputPath "D:\path\to\logs" _MODULES_*Native*Multiplayer*_MODULES_
Then end warmup and you cannot select any equipment in order to start the round. Game simply reverts back to warmup mode after the initial round timeout period.
Scene Name (if related):
Media (Screenshots & Video):
Computer Specs:
Running this on a Citadel Server (should be more than enough hardware specs).