SP Fantasy Apocalypse Cursed Lands mod: In Developement

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In the vast Land of Arketch, three forces vie for controll over over the resource rich land. Unaware of the dangers emerging in the North West. From the mountains on the edge of Arketch and ancient hoarde of undead are rising to end the folly that is mankinds existance...

hello and welcometo the announcement of the Cursed Lands MOD. the name is up for discussion.

this is a mod to develope my modding musculature (skills(i should just use propper english).

though I would like some assistance with some parts of this mod i.e Scripting... (wheres Janus when you need him???)
there are also a few things i would like to try and add to the mod (such as charriots)

features (tell me which ones are possible):

-a war system much like The last Days
-three joinable factions
-ability to unite the factions
-a story
-all new weapons and armour
-interior battles
-new map
-new unit trees
-the undead
-a change to the river pirates!!! (secret)

and i would also like to try and add anything the MNB community might suggest...


3 shields for 3 different factions from left to right: Vagir, Swadian, Pesants

Note: there wont only be these three shields
Note2: the three factions will be renamed... any suggestions?
X charriots
-a war system much like The last Days
-three joinable factions
X -ability to unite the factions
-a story
-all new weapons and armour
-interior battles
-new map
-new unit trees
-the undead
-a change to the river pirates!!! (secret)

most of this is super possible exept for chariots and uniting factions (but hey last days can do faction destruction might be possible if you do somthing to up the factions liking to another)
with uniting the factions i kind of meant making them all allies... :razz:

would anyone be willing to make a map for me?

how you make charriots in 0.731? Rider postision is hardcoded, so are skeleton, and so are the number of riders.
im guessing that rider position depends on where the x,y,z axis intersect similar to swords, shields and helmets...

lol im at a university course atm (learning to use photoshop 7 :razz:) maybe after this course ill be able to texture better than crap.

stay tuned, im going to import some new swords when i get home.
uh, will i get flamed if i post my questions on how to fix the mistakes i make on this thread.... no?... good!

in that case: i have added 3 new weapons into the game
2 swords
1 axe
and the 3 shields on the first post

i try and test my mod and it crashes before i even get into it.

as far as i know i havn't changed the way i ad stuff into the game so i dont know whats happened...

any help would result in a shrine to the person that gives an adequate answer, being placed in an undead tomb of their choice/design as a l33t easter-egg...
Pjoo said:
how you make charriots in 0.731? Rider postision is hardcoded, so are skeleton, and so are the number of riders.

Skeletons are not hard coded, I just haven't had time to figure out the complex maths involved, that is need for importing / exporting them.  So in a way you are right, for now you can't change them anyway.

The only problem once that is working is that at the moment there is only the 1 type of ride animation, so although you could modify that to just have the player standing in the chariot, it would mean you couldnt have horse riding in the same mod.
HAHA! he would look pretty stupid!

*building chariot now*

also i find i cant add weapons to my game anymore and i still dont know what is wrong...

remember the shrine :smile: ppl
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