Cradoc's Bounty Board

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Claiming bounty on KoA_Scope.

Also joining!

-Target: Blalola
-EU or NA: EU
-Weapon(group): lance; from horseback
-Description(optional): courser kill stealer!
-Bonus Condition(optional): once killed say: Shema is best cav in warband!
-Target: Varsung
-EU or NA: EU
-Weapon(group): Horse bump
-Description(optional): German nab
-Bonus Condition(optional): Once killed say: "JAA JAA ICH BIN EINE GUT PFERD NICHT!!1!1"
sotamursu123 said:
-Target: Varsung
-EU or NA: EU
-Weapon(group): Horse bump
-Description(optional): German nab
-Bonus Condition(optional): Once killed say: "JAA JAA ICH BIN EINE GUT PFERD NICHT!!1!1"

hahaha, never ever will happen!

-Target: FIN_SotaMursu
-EU or NA: EU
-Weapon(group): melee
-Description(optional): Finnish nab
-Bonus Condition(optional): Once killed say: "your neither fearless nor immortal but your a nOOb!!!11!!"

-Target: CoR_Arch3r
-EU or NA: EU
-Weapon(group): ranged
-Description(optional): dutch nab
-Bonus Condition(optional): Once killed say: "away with you vile baggar!"
Up to date!!1!!@!12!#1!

Seems like Sotamursu is some kinda pro. Has four bounties on him and no one is collecting!
Well Juxx is the winner since no one is participating anymore. I'm closing this. If anyone wants to use the board I can send it to them, will have to rewrite the rules though.
-Target: anyone in tk
-EU or NA: na
-Weapon(group): all
-Description(optional): gay people wandering
-Bonus Condition(optional): must be a tk *teamkill

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