Compilation of 82 little tweaks to the text files to change your gameplay(links)

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I have set myself up as a King but when I assign a fief to one of my lords it negatively affects all my other lords. Is there a way to disable this? . Any help would be appreciated.
anonymoose said:
TheMageLord said:
The prosperity from quests is in conversation.txt, search for
1 3 936748722493063465 144115188075856056 4
That's where it calls the prosperity script to change the village's prosperity, the 4 is the amount to change it by. There should be 2 instances of it, the first is for the cattle quest and the second is for the grain quest.

In Warband the numbers to search for in conversation.txt are now 1 3 936748722493063580 144115188075856213.

Your wrong at that, tried to search for it in my conversation.txt and got nothing. Seems the new location to search for is this:

1 3 936748722493063581 144115188075856213

Anyone know the location to edit how much prosperity caravans give and peasants give for reaching their destination?
Does anyone know how to enable garrisoning of troops in villages? I was using this in vanilla, but  I think it came from a mod I downloaded and modified a bit (had some kingdom management stuff etc)

If this can be done in the txt files that would be really awesome :smile:

nvm....  found it...  tested and it works in Warband!!!!  WOOOT  :cool:

in menus.txt look for mno_village_manage

2133 2 144115188075856244 0 5 0 2133 2 144115188075856244 1 3 0 13

mno_village_manage  4 2147484189 3 144115188075856213 35 2 2147484189 3 144115188075856213 35 1 2147484209 3 144115188075856213 39 1 541 3 144115188075856213 7 360287970189639680  Manage_this_village.  2 2133 2 144115188075856193 864691128455135320 2060 1 864691128455135326  .  mno_recruit_volunteers  1 1 1 936748722493063577  Recruit_Volunteers.  5 4 0 1 1 936748722493063499 5 0 2060 1 864691128455135322 3 0  .  mno_village_center  3 2147484189 3 144115188075856213 35 2 2147484189 3 144115188075856213 35 1 2147484209 3 144115188075856213 39 1  Go_to_the_village_center.  21 4 0 1 1 936748722493063499 5 0 521 3 1224979098644774912 144115188075856213 10 1261 1 1224979098644774912 1262 0 521 3 1224979098644774913 144115188075856213 25 1263 2 11 1224979098644774913 1 1 936748722493063498 4 0 200 1 504403158265495558 2147485921 0 546 3 504403158265495558 1 144115188075856213 2147483850 1 504403158265495558 2147483851 1 504403158265495558 1263 2 45 360287970189640522 3 0 1911 1 792633534417207299 1910 1 1224979098644774912 2048 0 3 0  Door_to_the_village_center.  mno_village_elder_meeting  3 2147484189 3 144115188075856213 35 2 2147484189 3 144115188075856213 35 1 2147484209 3 144115188075856213 39 1  Meet_with_the_Village_Elder.  12 4 0 1 1 936748722493063499 5 0 1261 1 720575940379279361 1262 0 1263 2 0 360287970189639680 521 3 1224979098644774912 144115188075856213 25 1263 2 11 1224979098644774912 1911 1 792633534417207297 1910 1 720575940379279361 2049 1 1224979098644774912 3 0  .  mno_village_buy_food  2 541 3 144115188075856213 35 0 2147484209 3 144115188075856213 39 1  Buy_supplies_from_the_peasants.  6 4 0 1 1 936748722493063499 5 0 521 3 1224979098644774912 144115188075856213 25 2042 1 1224979098644774912 3 0  .  mno_village_station_troops  4 2147484189 3 144115188075856056 35 2 2147484189 3 144115188075856056 35 1 2147484209 3 144115188075856056 39 1 541 3 144115188075856056 7 360287970189639680  Station_a_garrison_here...  1 2043 1 1  .  mno_village_attack_bandits  1 561 3 144115188075856213 39 1  Attack_the_bandits.  15 521 3 1224979098644774912 144115188075856213 39 521 3 1224979098644774913 144115188075856213 10 1261 1 1224979098644774913 1262 0 1264 3 0 1224979098644774912 144115188075856241 1264 3 2 360287970189639705 144115188075856242 1020 0 1691 1 0 2133 2 144115188075856168 0 1911 1 792633534417207306 1910 1 1224979098644774913 2133 2 144115188075856193 864691128455135324 2060 1 864691128455135276 2133 2 144115188075856156 1 2048 0  .  mno_village_wait  2 541 3 144115188075856213 130 1 541 3 144115188075856213 7 360287970189639680  Wait_here_for_some_time.  4 2133 2 144115188075856088 144115188075856213 2133 2 144115188075856245 144115188075856213 1031 3 168 5 1 2040 0  .  mno_collect_taxes_qst  7 541 3 144115188075856213 35 0 200 1 504403158265495557 526 3 1224979098644774912 504403158265495557 6 546 3 504403158265495557 1 144115188075856213 2147484194 3 504403158265495557 11 4 2322 2 1 1224979098644774912 526 3 72057594037927941 504403158265495557 11  {reg5?Continue_collecting_taxes:Collect_taxes}_due_to_{s1}.  1 2060 1 864691128455135351  .  mno_train_peasants_against_bandits_qst  4 541 3 144115188075856213 35 0 200 1 504403158265495590 2147483852 1 504403158265495590 546 3 504403158265495590 1 144115188075856213  Train_the_peasants.  1 2060 1 864691128455135357  .  mno_village_hostile_action  3 541 3 144115188075856213 35 0 2147484209 3 144115188075856213 39 1 2147483679 2 144115188075856287 144115188075856787  Take_a_hostile_action.  1 2060 1 864691128455135321  .  mno_village_reports  1 31 2 144115188075856163 1  {!}CHEAT!_Show_reports.  1 2060 1 864691128455135365  .  mno_village_leave  0  Leave...  1 2040 1 0  .

add lines in blue

make sure you change the 12 to a 13 (shown in red)
Hi, I have some Questions about M&B Warband

- Is it possible to include wife in party?,  I intend to change her appearance to reflect age, and change clothes to reflect my current court Location.

- Now married, I have no way to increase my relation with her, is it possible?

- How can I add the options "I want to know the location of someone" and "Is there anything I can do to win your favor?" to her dialog.

Thank  You.
anonymoose said:
TheMageLord said:
The amount of days to not repeat a quest is in the get_random_quest script, but each one is set individually - so you'll have to change each one that you want to.

Just open the scripts.txt file and search for 2133 2 1224979098644774938 (the first one is in the appropriate script). The first one you'll find will have a 0 following it, that's where the variable is initially set (so don't change that one). I'll list the results you'll find, with the default number so you can find the ones you want to change. These numbers are the number of days it takes before the quest will repeat.

1. initially set, 0
Village quests:
2. village grain delivery, 20
3. village cattle delivery, 20
4. train villagers against bandits, 40
Mayor quests:
5. Deliver wine/ale to town, 20
6. troublesome bandits, 30
7. kidnapped girl, 30
8. move cattle herd, 20
9. persuade to make peace, 100
10. deal with looters, 30
11. deal with night bandits, 15
Lady quests
12. rescue prisoner lord, 73
13. deliver message to prisoner lord, 30
14. duel for lady, 50
Enemy lord quests
15. Lend surgeon, 50
Lord quests
16. Meet spy in enemy town, 50
17. Raid caravan to start war, 100
18. Escort lady, 30
19. Raise troops, 15
20. Collect taxes, 20
21. Hunt down fugitive, 30
22. Kill local merchant, 30
23. Bring back serfs, 20
24. Follow spy, 50
25. Capture enemy lord, 80
26. Lend companion, 30
27. Collect debt, 20
28. Incriminate loyal commander, 180
29. Capture prisoners, 20

Just go to get_random_quest and start searching for  2133 2 1224979098644774938, all the instances you find should be followed directly by the number on that list. Then just find the right instance of it to edit for whichever quest you want to repeat more often and change it. This is savegame compatible.

Have fun.

-edit- If you're looking for the caravan quest, the reason it isn't in the list is it doesn't have a repeat timer. If for some reason you want to add one (maybe you don't LIKE caravans, and want to limit it to once a year or something) see the bottom of this post. And by doing this, further my evil plan to take over the world! Mwahahaha.

Hi, I believe that for Warband, the script name has changed to get_quest and the numbers to search for are now 2133 2 1224979098644774939. Perhaps someone more experienced in modding/tweaking could verify this, thanks!

id like to know how to modify the time wait after each quest. any help for warband? anonymooses line isnt the right one.
heavensangels said:
Also, Anybody help me on Item Editor it wont let me change accuracy
Sorry, you can't use the item editor for that. You could try making the changes directly in the txt file but I can't tell you if it's a plain number or hidden in a larger number.
I think I may have found the new location for the repeatable quests but as of yet, I have not been able to get it to work. Does anyone know for sure how we can edit the repeatable quests in warband?

Okay, I think I definitely found out where the repeatable quests are for sure!

In scripts.txt first search for:

Than you can search for the 2133 2 1224979098644774938 This will find each of the quests but it is a little different.

The first number in the sequence after this is the expiration date, how long the quest lasts. For example the first 2133 2 1224979098644774938 you find is the initialization with a 0 after it so don't touch that. Than it follows with this:

1) Track down bandits
2) Retaliate for border incident
These are new Dynamic Guild Quests Than:

3) Cause provocation
4) Destroy Bandit lair
These are Dynamic Kingdom Lord quests Than:

5) Rescue Prisoner
This is a Lady or kingdom hero quest

These are dynamic quests and have no repeat timer followed by non dynamic quests, so:

6) deliver grain
7) deliver cattle
:cool: train peasants against bandits
9) escort merchant caravan
10) deliver wine
11) troublesome bandits
12) kidnapped girl
13) move cattle herd
14) persuade lords to make peace
15) deal with looters
16) deal with night bandits
17) deliver message to prisoner lord
1:cool: duel for lady
19) lend surgeon (I think this one has no set expiration)
20) meet spy in enemy town
21) raid caravan to start war
22) deliver message
23) escort lady

There are lots more but I don't feel like going on longer haha. Anyway, up to 23 that is the order of the quests than you just search for 2133 2 1224979098644774938, however the first number after that is the expiration of the quest. You have to look for the next number in the sequence for the repeat variable if there is one. Some quests have experience or money after. I will show an example

For the rescue prisoner quest:
2133 2 1224979098644774938 30 2133 2 1224979098644774939 5 2133 2 1224979098644774935 1500 2133 2 1224979098644774936 3000

You have these sequence of numbers. The 30 is the expiration day amount. The 5 that is alone is the dont give again period. The 1500 alone is the xp reward and the 3000 alone is the gold reward.

Is there any way in which you could change the price of cattle in villages. No one in their right mind pays over 2000 denars for a cow. I can get a massive army for that price. These cows are not prize cattle, they need to be like 50-100 denars. It's just that I can't pay over 12000 denars to feed king graveths army and it seems a little broken.
Berpol said:
heavensangels said:
Also, Anybody help me on Item Editor it wont let me change accuracy
Sorry, you can't use the item editor for that. You could try making the changes directly in the txt file but I can't tell you if it's a plain number or hidden in a larger number.

Well a bunch of people told me that, Son of a  :shock:
I have a graphics question. Does anyone know how to move the banner higher on the heraldic armor? The main part of the banner ends up right about the waist! :sad: Please let me know if this can be done.

Hi I just have a couple questions. I should start by saying that I just starting looking into modding M&B WB last night. I have a little modding experience with editing text files, such as the ini editing involved with modding certain command and conquer titles. I have only begun to scratch the surface with how modding WB works tho.
First I would like to know exactly which version of Python I should be using for the v1.113 of M&B WB. The tutorials all say to use 2.6.1, and not any later versions. Yet the link takes you to download 2.6.2. Is this ok still? Cuz the newest version for Python is 2.6.5.
Also, I really only want to mod 2 things, and would like to know if I can do it through text editing or if I actually have to create a module for it. All I wanna do is change Lady Thera's hideous clothes. Her picture in the Notes section shows her without her ugly ass bonnet, and yet now that we are married she appears in my hall dressed like an Amish midwife. Im not looking for her to be hot, I just want that ugly bonnet gone, and if I knew how to choose the clothing, I would choose the bride dress, or even nothing at all would be preffered to that ugly blue....curtain.
Secondly I wish to create one single custom NPC. I dont need to be able to access his inventory - he will use the equipment I give him forever. He doesnt need to have any special quest oppurtunities or anything like that, and doesnt need to be able to help you gain the throne by gaining support for you, and he doesnt need to be able to be granted vassalhood. I just wanna have a guy that I create by able to be recruited into my party as a NPC.
I am not looking for someone to tell me how to do this, I know I still have a lot to learn myself. I just wanna know if these are the types of things I need to create a module for and if so will it be the kind of module I would have to restart a new game for?  Thanks for any feedback.
Thanks for that but that isn't what I am looking for. That handles how much money you receive from caravans and such. I want to affect the prosperity of a town. To be able to change from average to rich, etc. I am curious what file handles the different variables which handle town prosperity.
BlackRainZ said:
What scripts handle town prosperity? I want to change what affects town prosperity.

Prosperity is changed in a number of different places.  I know for sure it gets changed at various places in coversations.txt, menus.txt, scripts.txt, and simple_triggers.txt.  This will be added to TweakMB in the near future, although you're fairly limited as to how much you can really change (at least without getting really complicated).
Hi, I had a questions:
Is there a way to increase the rate at which lords recruit troops (so they recruit troops faster)? My aim is to increase the action of the game. So lords would would spend less time in castles recruiting troops and more time fighting and campaigning.

Thanks a lot. Some of the people on this thread amaze me by their knowledge and the time they spend on helping noobs like me (who can make as much sense from the scripts as they can from a set of random numbers). This thread is great.
(This question is a modified version of a question I asked a few days ago. I just shortened it.)
kyfohatl said:
Hi, I had a questions:
Is there a way to increase the rate at which lords recruit troops (so they recruit troops faster)? My aim is to increase the action of the game. So lords would would spend less time in castles recruiting troops and more time fighting and campaigning.
I think you need the file party_templates.txt
In this file are the group sizes for reinforcements (among other things) and if you increase the size of the reinforcement the lords get their troops faster.
But this is nothing I have tried so far, only theoretical thinking.
Honestly I'm really surprised some of these "mods" are not added to the actual game.

The way mount and blade has some things set makes no sense to me. Like the one time bonus that comes with mills.
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