Companions messed up. Updated to lord status, then charged with treason :P

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I just got Warband and I've been playing for a week or two.
So what happened here is what i pretty much describe in the title but some details first.
I was at about level 20 at the time with 10 or 8 companions and a big enough army to take a fortress.
So I started my own kingdom by capturing the furthermost north-east Vaegirs castle. Next all hell breaks loose. I am attacked again and again by the whole Vaegirs army. So i thought why not make a vassal out of the companions since others in the other kingdoms wouldn't accept to support me (too weak militarily, not much right to rule, stuff like that). So i went and recruited Artimenner (that everybody hates anyway), made him lord and gave him the village of Hanum. I did the same with Lezalit (no village) later on. What i noticed from those two when they spawned.
1. They attacked Khergit Khanate villages (peasants at first) and thus created a two front situation and
2. Even though i had ordered them to patrol around Hanum, i found them at the desert (WTF?!? :O)
3. Soon after that they got caught and when i tried to free them a bunch of bugs emerged but what i noticed the most when was that they had their original clothes on (no armor, good weapons). I didn't knew that i had to equip first, maybe level them a bit and then give them fiefs, how should i? In the give army screen, in front of their names a little + is always, meaning that they leveled but not distribute any points.
So I've decided having them mess up the whole factions relations situation was a bad thing and had to get rid of them.
So i tried (and this is the fun part) to remove their status, i thought if i did, they would return to companion status, then i would find them in the rooster or rehire them or something. I found only one way to change anything about a lord in your kingdom, that is to charge them with treason (guess what i did). Then they defected to other kingdoms, one at the Nords and the other at the Swadians and couldn't hire them ever again. Futhermore, the village i gave to Artimenner, Hanum now can't be upgraded and i have a constant "Who do you think should receive the fief of Hanum" dialog if i speak to any of my vassals, even though I've already give it to one of them.
So that's pretty much what happened. I still play that messed up save for I've dedicated huge amounts of time to level my character and the what's left of the companions. I just want to know if there is any way to get those two back as companions (then I'll see what to do with companions compatibility problems), but get them back first!
Also I've put another incompatible companion, Katrin as my minister. Why the hell did i do that in the first place, i have no idea. But still, if i could get her back too, that'll great. I can't make her resign, i can only replace her with another companion and i don't want that. I remember when i captured that Vaegirs castle, the game asked me for a minister out of my companions or a prominent citizen, but not that option doesn't show.
Wow, huge post, I'll just end it here.
Wow, the dead forum... :shock:
COME ON PEOPLE, there's gotta be someone who knows how to fix this, or at least something similar!
No idea.  I have read on this forum about another whom wrote about companions not leveling after they become a vassal.  This is about as helpful as getting kicked in the head, but I think you're sporked.
Well, i don't know what "sporked" is :???: but I'm pretty sure it's not good. :mrgreen:
Still this won't do, but at least you spoke your mind. I thought i was the only one here  :shock:
Well, sporked is a take off of an eating utensil that is a combination of a fork and spoon.  They call the utensil a spork.  It's sort of a messed up utensil, hence the my word sporked meaning, "Some thing that is messed up, screwed up or just not functioning."
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