Commander Battles need to return and 16th Century DLC for Bannerlord

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I couldn't think of a better name for it ok.

I found that commander battles in Napoleonic Wars could be pretty fun, if a little limited on account of them only being land battles. If they could be implemented into Bannerlord, than that would be all the better, especially if it's going to be based around the Warband factions like the Nords and Swadia, and if maps were more varied. But adding in things like Commander Siege Battles would also not only spice things up but add a whole new element to the mode too, especially if there were bigger and better siege maps.

After playing a 16th century mod for Warband called Battle for Europe, it made me realize just how great of a setting it would be for DLC for Bannerlord. I recommend to any player of M&B to try this mod. Even though it was unfinished, it was still a fun mod to play around with if nothing else.  But with use of pikes, polearms, earlier firearms, and all manner of other medieval weapons and armor, there would be so many ways to play, not to mention how varied it could make modes like Commander Battles.
I suggest you go check out the Battle for Europe mod to actually get what I mean.

But I honestly think that the 16th century would overall work better because it would leave a ton of room for variety. Though I think the range of which guns fire would also help. Those kind of guns should be much deadlier the closer the enemy gets to them.
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