Need More Info Clan stopped making babies

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Xbox Series X
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Summary: My clan has stopped making babies for the last 13 in game years. The 4th generation offspring from the original family are not producing offspring of their own. My current clan size is 44 members according to the Kingdom Clans screen. The clan has two hired companions. We are the ruling clan for Battania and have completed the conspiracy quest by eliminating the other kingdoms. The reproduction issue was noticed before completing the conspiracy quest however.

I've tried leaving the 4th generation couples in the same town for months. I've also had the couples in the main party and have passed time for many consecutive days in a town. The characters I'm hoping to produce offspring from all have the virile perk. We should be pumping out babies, but we're not.

How to Reproduce: Not sure, make a lot of babies maybe?
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@MArdA TaleWorlds Can you please enumerate for me all conditions that must be satisfied in order for clan members to produce offspring? If I can't resolve this then my otherwise very successful clan is going to die off and that would be very disappointing.
The game checks a number of points when determining a character becomes pregnant. Such as the number of children the mother already has. Every child concieved decreases the chance exponentially. The number of lords in the same clan has also a negative impact. Charachter's age is also a factor. Which decreases the chance with every age. These are the most major ones. Clan tier has a positive impact on this as a whole.
Can you expand more on how the number of lords impacts reproduction? Of all the things listed, the number of lords seems most likely related. Is it like once you cross a threshold on the number of lords in the clan then reproduction is turned off? My experience was that everything was going great for the clan, had many babies in the pipeline, then suddenly all reproduction ceased. All of the first generation and most of the 2nd generation are out of the picture now, but the clan is currently flush with lords from the earlier baby boom.
@MArdA TaleWorlds I come to add a complement to this post: My descendants, a boy and a girl, cannot have children? The boy who became the heir to the throne (and the game) to whom I handed over since I retired, can't even flirt, the challenges of winning the tournament for a lady no longer exist... since I changed player. Is it a bug ?
I saw another post : "Family member's no longer having kids"
My clan is made up of 12 members + 1 retiree and 2 newborns being prepared by one of my cousins by marriage :smile: !
My player is 23 and my sister 29 - she never received a marriage proposal
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