B Other Cinematic Compilation (Graphic & Sound Enhancement) [v3.0 Released][1.153]

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Hi, the mod looks great, but I have a problem with skyboxes:
Anyone knows how to fix it?
Is the whining horse sound supposed to be going off while walking around on the main map? If so deleting which sound will disable it? Its very loud and I can hardly hear the game music of the Prophecy of Pendor mod.

EDIT: Figured it out thanks :smile:
zodden said:
Is the whining horse sound supposed to be going off while walking around on the main map? If so deleting which sound will disable it? Its very loud and I can hardly hear the game music of the Prophecy of Pendor mod.

EDIT: Figured it out thanks :smile:

Hey Zodden, would you like to share this fix ?
I've also got an error message when the "alarm" sound is supposed to be fired.
Otherwise the mod is fantastic!
i just installed the mod but crossbow sounds appears in bow i mean when i fire an arrow i hear this voice http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8iSW-vJgT0 and same for the crossbow i hear the bow sound how can i solve this problem ?
How do I make my game look like those screenshots? are there any ini settings I can mess with to increase the effects of Warband's HDR?
This link does not work either :sad:
Blerg I think its because my school blocks dropbox...but my school is also where I live.
So if someone could upload it somewhere else reliable it would be very much appreciated :smile:
it appears to block google docs too...man this stinks...guess they block all those sites cause of file sharing and piracy...quite annoying
yay in 5 hours through a proxy I should have it downloaded! lol



Is that huge arena battle part of another mod?
I'd love to use that to test this and other things out for myself.
im trying to extract this file and im confused on which file to extract it to. after finding modules do i select (for modders, Native, resource, sound, texture) IDK PLZ HELP!!  THE DESCRIPTION AFTER /MODULES/XXX(WHATEVER)  im confused on what the xxx(whatever is supposed to be?
My female main char shouts out "Ive been hit!" everytime i get shot at.. with a male voice! super annoying, anyone know what causes it/how to fix it?
Hark, I've added this addition to PoP and it works near flawlessly. The only problem I have is that in the campaign world-map instead of the usual trot it's just an absolute mess of horse whinnieing :s
anyone know how to fix it?
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