Captain perks for the player character in 1.7.0

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Since the new beta update 1.7.0, you can manually assign your companions as captains of formations. Now you can also assign yourself as a captain of a formation in your own party. To my knowledge, captain perks only worked for companions assigned as formation captains and the player character if they were assigned a captain role in an NPC army. Now I'm not sure if the captain perks work for the player character if they assign themselves as a formation captain, since this was impossible to do before.
Since the new beta update 1.7.0, you can manually assign your companions as captains of formations. Now you can also assign yourself as a captain of a formation in your own party. To my knowledge, captain perks only worked for companions assigned as formation captains and the player character if they were assigned a captain role in an NPC army. Now I'm not sure if the captain perks work for the player character if they assign themselves as a formation captain, since this was impossible to do before.
I think this is a bug and did you notice that the player character is assigned to a formation.
Yes, I did notice, that the player character is assigned as a formation captain by default but I'm unsure if the captain perks work for that formation since this wasn't possible before.
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