cant trade

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hi guys. after inceasent fighting it seems every town that sells stuff is so poor the prices are sky high. there is nowhere i can buy / sell for a profit. how can i make money without going to war? thanks
every town buys and sells diferent things for diferent prices (take note of what towns produce what for clues),  search the forum for good trade routes.

also note that the top-end gear have rediculous prices no matter where you go.
well places like curaw are usuraly great but now their prices have rocketed. iron costs 200-250 to buy!! its the same everywhere, global recession or what lol.
If the villages around Curaw are getting looted repeatedly then that means no iron is coming in.
Also if let's say the Nords conquered Curaw but not any of the nearby castles, those villages will start going to the nearest town still held by the Vaegir to trade.

There is a natural tendency for the economy to get worse in this game because constant raids and sieges lower prosperity and prosperity affects production.
There are also far fewer things that raise prosperity and it also seems to me like the "normalization" (prosperity moving back up or down towards "ideal prosperity") is not happening with the new patch.
Try going to Curaw to get Iron, then heading to Reyvadin to sell it (buy if its under 120, and they sell for around 300 in Reyvadin).

Also, head over to Tulga and buy Spice if its under 600, and Spice if its under 120. Then head over to Dhrim to sell it.

Its also good to head along the Vaegirs coastline when you have some decent troops, as a lot of Sea Raiders go along there, and I quite often find Sea Raider landings, and by attacking these, you can earn quite a bit of money :smile:

Oh, and also, get your trade up to around 5
well the problem is curaw belongs to the swadians but the castles around it to the vageirs. but its not just curaw, every city that is listed iin the trade route thread is either poor or verry poor and has nothing cheap to sell
bowlie said:
well the problem is curaw belongs to the swadians but the castles around it to the vageirs. but its not just curaw, every city that is listed iin the trade route thread is either poor or verry poor and has nothing cheap to sell

Hmm. In that case, you may want to start a new game. Ok, you'll lose a lot, but I'm on day 41 and I have just over 30,000 Denars :smile:
Although, I'm playing Vaegirs, and we're at war with the Nords and the Khergits...So thats kind of mucked up my trade route :smile:
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