Can all lords leave Calradia?

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I was playing warband today, at roughly day 600-700, when suddenly I had a MASSIVE swarm of lords that defected/got kicked out and left calradia forever. There are still plenty left at the moment for most purposes, but it made me curious;

Is it possible, given a long enough game, for ALL lords to leave Calradia forever? Like, if I went way out into the desert and camped for 5-6 real life weeks and returned, would there be six giant empty kingdoms with only their kings left, fighting hopelessly amongst themselves?

Anyway, was just curious. Nice forums, by the way. They're very pretty. And so are you.
In theory it's entirely possible. If you turn the "faction coherence" level (how much each lord likes the kingdom, changeable through file editing) right down, you get lords that have actually defected to another faction at game start, or at least within the day. And if a lord defects enough, nobody will take him.

The game has infamous "bad" lords with certain traits that destabilise the kingdom, and they're often the first to go. But it can happen to anyone, if rarely under normal circumstances. given enough time you can see factions spiralling into defeat because they 1. lose lords, 2. Lose the ability to defend against campaigns, 3. Lose lands as a result, and 4. Annoy all the landless lords who proceed to leave the faction, leading back to 1.
This can take thousands of game days, however. I might try turning everyone's faction coherence to zero, infinite-camping (cheatmenu option) and seeing if you can get king-only kingdoms. Sounds fun either way.
Well... There are only 14 lords left in my game, the rest got exiled. So it's most likely possible.
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