Resolved Bug: rescuing lord in "Stage a prison break" when lord has pending Vassal offer to player results in no relationship improvement with lord

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No, I didn't use any mods.
Summary: Bug: rescuing lord in "Stage a prison break" when lord has pending Vassal offer to player results in no relationship improvement with lord. I.e. after a successful prison break, the lord will speak with the player about the offer of vassaldom. If the player refuses, the encounter ends, and there is no reference to the successful prison break, and no improvement in relationship status.
How to Reproduce: Play until receiving an invitation from a lord to become his/her vassal. Do not speak with that lord. Find the lord in a prison and choose to "Stage a prison break", then complete the prison break successfully and observe the interaction with the lord after escaping the city/castle.

Have you used cheats and if so which: no cheats
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OS: Windows 11
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