[BoP: Serva] Main Thread (Year: 198 Month 1) Rest in pasta

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In light of this clear challenge against Rho Aquilae, we present our way more awesome flag.

Pixel said:
the principal cities of this alien colony were sieged and ransacked by the humans and their local allies. Prisoners and slaves were taken in their thousands
Pixel said:
If Rho Aquilae's colonists could be said to be militaristic before they are utterly bloodthirsty now. To go to war is seen as glorious and noble, and the finest armed force in the region has no shortage of volunteers.
What were you expecting, bright colors and rainbow unicorns prancing around a field of daisies?

New Map Update!
A new colony player has joined the game, and region. At the moment he is having trouble registering on the forum as he hasn't received the activation email for like 2 days now but he is known as Doomykins. He's joined as Hiza, in cubic parsec C6 and is the sponsorship of ATOS.

Hiza; Played by Doomykins Population 266,000, ATOS Mega-conglomerate
Hiza is classified as a desert world, but its general climate is a cold desert, closer to the desolate tundras of Earth rather than its hot dustbowls. It has a thin and reducing atmosphere which happens to be breathable, but the proportion of oxygen in the atmosphere is higher than that of Earth. The dominant lifeforms of the planet consist of large insects, including herds of herbivores, pack predators, and flying swarms. Water comes in the form of lakes which often freeze over and small rivers. Geysers and hot springs are plentiful in the mountains and highlands.

As for an in-universe explanation... let's say some colonial galleons were late to the party, eh?

In addition the OP has been updated, particularly the production tables.
Crappy last minute orders in, sorry 'bout that.

Also I went through and activated Doomykins account by hand, so he should be able to login now.
Hi, I've been bludgeoned and forcefully conscripted into the space game. Nice to meet you people, also thanks for activating my account.
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