[BoP: Serva] Main Thread (Year: 198 Month 1) Rest in pasta

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On that note though I feel like I should say a few things. Things other hosts in the past usually avoid talking about and that is the inevitable end of the game. Like all other great things, this bop must eventually end. That end is almost certain to come in the next 3 months. Gonna be straight up about that. It might have up to 3 or even 4 turns left in it, or it may only have one more. Whatever the case may be, the end is nigh, but there will be at least one more turn. That much I would very much like to do!
What I really can't promise is the shipbuilder update. At least not this turn.

I've put a lot of time and, more importantly, creative energy into running this game, and as it happens, Serva is more than a bop game - it is a labor of love I have crafted over some years. This bop has served to refine and expand upon the lore so much - providing the kickstart I needed to write more about a couple of the ancient civilizations (my goodness, the Desan are almost as detailed as humans are!), explore limits of technology a bit more, delve into frontier life and corporate affairs, and come to understand various Starborne cultures some more. I say with great pride that many of you, through your actions in-game and suggestions, have changed the lore in ways big and small, probably forever.

But I wanted to write a book. Many of you know that. "The Fisherman's Song" was supposed to go on Amazon... well, a year ago at this point. With my creative energy being used on this game instead, that goal was never reached. I'm not bitter though, it's probably for the best - I planned a big overhaul of the earliest stages of the book and have many things to retcon. Plus, thanks to the game, I actually seem to have a small audience of people who might have an interest in reading it and telling others about it. Funny, that. I got to hone my writing skills further - practicing dialogue and showing rather than telling, all that stuff. Many of you have received interturns and reports that are as well-written as any given narrative. So, I would soon like to return to working on The Fisherman's Song.

In addition I am enrolled in courses starting this Spring semester (so a few months fam) since my gap year ended up being ... more than a year. I only intended to do school part-time online, and alone it would be no obstacle to bop hosting, but I also intend to keep working part-time, because I'm the type of person that can't fathom being content without some kind of laborious job to go to everyday. :razz:

In short, the bop is NOT dead... yet. In the coming months I may no longer physically have the ability to host this game anymore, while still filling my desire to write the novel that introduces this universe (though perhaps not as well as this game seems to have!). Rather than hiding this 'til the last minute as other hosts have, or only abruptly announcing game over after months of limbo, I want to be forward with all of you and just say, don't expect another year out of me. But I would really like to at least make it to March ... that would be before I start school and it would be this game's Second Anniversary. Which is kind of unbelievable. By no means do I 'want' to close the game, it will be only out of necessity, and it will be a sad thing for me.

In other news, I will fix my ablatives math at some point, and finish updating the freight jobs. After that there is the mercenary update, which I only discussed with a couple of you. But essentially allowing you to build your own merc company instead of drawing from a pool of what's there. I will probably announce a deadline after New Years. And it will probably be anywhere from Jan 10 to Jan 14.

What I have hinted at before to some was a mini-bop after this one, with a smaller scale and a hard cap of 4-6 players, set 60,000 years ago (not sure if Triple Alliance or Sixteen Kingdoms era yet) and with humans being unplayable. I may still do that this year. Let me know if it piques your interest.
Or maybe not. It's almost the 10th and I haven't been able to find the motivation to do the things I gotta do for this. And I don't see myself getting that motivation back anytime in the near future. I definitely cannot keep my promise of one more turn.

So... yeah I dunno. I don't really want this to die, but it seems that it the time has finally come after one year and 10 months.
RIP BoP: Serva (March 10th 2015 - January 9th 2017)

But I dunno, this ending seems anticlimactic and I'd rather it were more cathartic and satisfying. So I guess I'll try to leave an epilogue here sometime over the next week. Who knows if it'll be any good. I can't promise that it lines up with each player's aspirations and stuff because well... most players didn't want to talk to me about any of that stuff. I also just want to tie up loose ends canonically more so than... bopically. But I hope it will paint a good picture and will be a way to end this properly.
Also, in keeping with tradition (at least, a tradition since BOP 1700) you may log into this account to view everyone's orders and reptors as well as my notes and stuff.

USER: ServaPublic
PASS: ggwp
A sad , but most understandable , turn of events.
A lot of effort and love, is what you put into this game for many a months. Thank you for this experience!
I hope you will turn to your book writing now, and push out a great story !
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