In Progress Beta 1.3.0 Wanderers in taverns not listed in encyclopedia, nor able to be hired

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Summary: Run into a few wanderers in several taverns that have names like companions, but when talked to only say, "Good day to you." If talked to again, will give generic hero dialogue. "[Player name].... Well, what is it?" with no option to hire or give their backstory. If try to look up in encyclopedia, will bring up random hero's page instead.
How to Reproduce: I think it's just the next spawning of wanderers as your clan ranks up. It's happened at Rank 2 and 3.
Media (Screenshots & Video): Link to imgur post with screenshots.
Version: 1.3.0 Beta
Installed community-made modifications: N/A
Computer Specs
OS: Windows 10
GPU: GTX 1070
CPU: Intel Core i5-4670K CPU @3.4 GHz (4 Cores)
Motherboard: MSI B85-G41 PC MATE-R
Storage Device (HDD/SSD): SSD
Summary: Run into a few wanderers in several taverns that have names like companions, but when talked to only say, "Good day to you." If talked to again, will give generic hero dialogue. "[Player name].... Well, what is it?" with no option to hire or give their backstory. If try to look up in encyclopedia, will bring up random hero's page instead.
How to Reproduce: I think it's just the next spawning of wanderers as your clan ranks up. It's happened at Rank 2 and 3.
Media (Screenshots & Video): Link to imgur post with screenshots.
Version: 1.3.0 Beta
Installed community-made modifications: N/A
Computer Specs
OS: Windows 10
GPU: GTX 1070
CPU: Intel Core i5-4670K CPU @3.4 GHz (4 Cores)
Motherboard: MSI B85-G41 PC MATE-R
Storage Device (HDD/SSD): SSD
I'm having this problem too.
Forwarding this issue to the QA team for further investigation. Thanks for reporting. In the meantime, can you share your save files? You can use a cloud service and post an open link on this thread.
I posted this in another chat on the same topic. Repeating here:

Oddly enough, I have been able to recruit those companions as long as they appear and I recruit them before reloading a save game. After I reload a save game, they're no longer recruitable. Even when recruited, they won't appear in the encyclopedia. What's really cool is that if you recruit them this way, you can assign all of their stats. For instance, they come at level 11 or so, but all of their state points are not assigned so you can allocate them however you want. To be honest, I prefer being able to assign their stats and wish that was standard and intended. It solves the problem of them having idiotic stats.
I have the same problem. At some point I got a criminal rating for raiding a village to start a war and every wanderer I talked to gave me that dialogue and was not recruitable. Strangely, some wanderers I had not talk to (not all) were still recruitable.
Forwarding this issue to the QA team for further investigation. Thanks for reporting. In the meantime, can you share your save files? You can use a cloud service and post an open link on this thread.
It's a bug that affects all 1.3 beta wanderer spawns. Any 1.3 beta save that has had an additional wanderer spawn (beyond the starting wanderers) and was saved after such spawn will contain the bug, even games created prior to 1.3 beta. It seems to be a bug in the current 1.3 beta wanderer spawning routine.

It would be really nice if the QA team could fix existing saves as well (by either despawning or fixing existing bugged wanderers).
These companions also have type of "Unknown" instead of "Wanderer".
That's probably why they're bugged.
I have had this bug however the spawned wanderer had a correct name and suffix.
They were not listed on the encyclopedia (it is currently only showing the starting wanderers).
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