Being a Bard

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I don't know, but my merchant has built up some skill on his trips and now does little shows here and there. I'm thinking the higher it goes, the more likely I'll be to pull off longer pieces of music or even speeches without getting tomatoes thrown at me. Which will probably mean more money than the 4 or so scillings per gig.
I think its some sort of renown system. You need higher entertainment skill to do longer pieces of music

Speeches is Persuasion I belive
Well, I am playing as a bard. I have not an idea how the bardic reputation system is working; last time i checked I had a reputation about 200. Most of the time I get money from playing, up to 200 scillingas, but sometimes I loose money and bardic reputation. the money I am making as bard has stopped rising for quite some time now.

Being a bard is especially in the beginning of the game quite usefull, because you can make money just by walking from town to town and playing your lute or whatever you are doing. the time you are playing is younted as resting in a town, so when you are staying somewhere overnight, you never loose time and gain some money.

I have one porblem with the bardic system though: For some time now, I have only been able to play short and medium pieces; the klong pieces don´t appear anymore @ Idibil, what is the reason fpor that? Or is it a bug?
Have you checked that you are not injured? I belive that can lower the entertainment skill...
No, I am not injured. I don´t think its about the entertainment skil, that is still 4 - seems like a bug to me.
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