Battlefield 1

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:facepalm: **** me, I'm stupid. I didn't even see that that post was from a week ago and part of a different discussion. I think when I clicked "New", it might've gone to that post, so I automatically assumed it was from today and therefore referring to Battlefield.
beta is out. This is some of the least fun I've had in a game in a while. In one sentence, the game can be summed up as "invisible ****ers spawnkill me". Camper in a tank? Tough luck, you got no RPGs to take him out, only an AT grenade with a 50 years long timer and non-sticking C4 that's pointless because vehicle drivers aren't that idiotic to stand still. Try to buy the AT rocket gun? Can't, "not high enough rank". I'm level 2, that **** needs level 1, but I'm apparently Assault rank 0. I think. Nowhere does it say how much my progress to Assault 1 is, or if that's even the thing I need to be doing. Fine, let's stay away from vehicles then.

Infantry: Scum everywhere, and you can't see them, because 3D spotting has been nerfed to hell and back, and the minimap and its icons are so tiny that I can't see anything at all. The bygone days where I played BF2 and adored a slower, more intimate playstyle are over, my love, and this is exactly like the BF3 beta when I started. Enemies are ****ing invisible. I literally can't see them, and even if I do, they've already half-killed me. Fine, let's stay away from infantry then.

Sniping: I swear to God, only 15% of my shots connect. Horizontal scope offsetting? "WIND DRAG"? The **** am I supposed to kill people?! I'm not here to play ARMA Sniper Elite Ghost Warrior 15, I'm here to murder other humans. ****ing hell. Scope glint is back, which is nice, but it's also been nerfed, so it's pretty much useless. Also, you don't move fast enough and non-snipers' guns are ****e at range, so you can't defend yourself if you're being sniped at.
I had a little, little bit of fun in the final Rush match I played. Our team was pretty much worthless, and I slowly, slowly advanced forwards, picking off targets one by one (i.e. getting "spot bonus 25" scores. Occasionally. but I did kill one guy, I think), slowly closing the distance and methodically advancing. But guess what? 150 tickets, *****! Take that slow-paced gameplay you remember from BF2 and shove it deep up your arse, cause it's never going to be a thing in this game.

I also rode on a horse for 5 seconds. Sabre attacks can't be held like in M&B, you just click-and-swing. Laaaaaaaaaaaaaame. Get bombed by a plane? NOTHING YOU CAN DO, ******. Now get reduced to 15% HP and get blasted by the ****ing tank jerk-off again. Medics don't revive ****, probably because you don't get revive notifications as a medic, and I was healed ONCE. I revived 2 guys and got "best medic of the game", for ****'s sake!

Rage rage rage rage rage, and so on, and this is ****ing heresy coming from me, the long-term "old-school" fanboy. I'm going back to Dirty Bomb for the time being, thank you very much.
Could some of your problems be down to lag, ie. the servers imploding under the weight of all the people who want to play, what with this being the first day of the "open" beta and all?
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