Bartering for peace is broken 1.4.1

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In my current playthrough of nearly 50 hours on the toughest difficulty setting, I finally created my own kingdom with 1 castle, 3 million Denars and over 1000 troops at my disposal. I'm kind of upset at the moment, though. While out taking a castle across the map, The largest faction in the game right now, Battania, declares war on me. I fought and defeated them on at least 8 different occasions and eventually they whittled me down to the point where I had to take my garrison out to stop one of my villages being raided. I lost that battle because of the horrible starting point on that village map that puts the defenders at a severe disadvantage and spawns troops in spaces they can't escape and had only 48 troops remaining in the garrison and 150 militia. I entered the diplomacy menu, spent the influence and declared peace. So, I start rebuilding my team, only to have Battania declare war in less than 1 day and immediately after, show up to my castle with 1000+ troops against my 210 man army and 200 troop garrison/militia. I attempted to barter for peace with the enemy general and in the barter screen it shows that the peace agreement is green and valid with nothing up to be bartered. The enemy general accepts the barter, though no peace is made. So, I try again and it's the same, so I offered 100k Denars, and the same response. No Peace... There is no indication whether I need influence or not to get that peace, I'm at -16 currently. I can't sue for peace in the diplomacy screen with negative influence.

tldr: I have to start my kingdom over from scratch because I can't get bartering for peace to work.
they have given us the possibility to create a kingdom.
but they destroyed the the gameplay.

no peace barter accepted
illoyal vasalls
recruting every soldier without relation penalty and recruting in fiefs that are raided.

playing own kingdom is no fun
Currently, playing as anything is not fun. As long as you join a faction as mercenary or vassal, this faction going at war with everyone. In the meantime, other factions do not interact between themselves and new peace/war declarations are inexistant.

Diplomacy is completely bugged currently in 1.4.1.
I realize it is due to bugs, but I cannot help but note that the result pretty accurately resembles the Romans and Carthage.

Carthage paid the romans off time and again. But the romans had no intention of peace and just wanted an easier victory.
I also have had a kingdom attack within a week, which is as bad to me as the AI bartering my prisoners without my agreement.
I was sieging a town yesterday but was attacked. I beat them, and resumed the attack. When I won and took the town, I took too many prisoners and was moving slowly towards the town, only to be attacked again from a group I had previously beaten, led by a noble I had at the start of the siege!
Diplomacy fix mod works very well, but as far as I can tell, you still get them attacking within days of making peace due to the native bugs.
In truth, this game is alpha not beta, though I have still had my moneys worth thanks to mods.
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