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SPLH_SirBogan said:
I am visiting a mate in Geelong this arvo, so I am going to be able to teach all you gaybos a lesson, I am in.


LOL @ Labs' serial key PM.

What is this friday event! I see nothing about it.

WHERE THE HELL IS BA ANUS? I just want a ~20v20 Sunday night, 8pm Battle on native. He goes quite when he has a bloody option for a battle! heaps of people expressed interest. JUST DO IT SON!

BTW - Warband is an amazing game. While rilled with many imperfections and 90's graphics, it is absolutely beautiful. So beautiful that I get VERY EXCITED everytime a similar LOOKING game is about to be released - IN THE HOPEEEE, THAT IT is ANYTHING like WARBANDZ. Lets appreciate this beast and beauty of a game.

We all want more Aussie players, the Australian community has done quite well in the warband world. We are the best players in NI (still the most successful house) and CRPG was good for a while. However, native, which is a feeder for mods, is suffering in Aus and as someone who wants the Aus NI community to continue, this concerns me.

I would really like you guys to get some things going in native. If you need an extra admin or two who want to get things done, tap a couple of chaps from the NI community for the job. There are plenty of smart active Aussies who could take it on.
Doomicus said:
SPLH_SirBogan said:
I am visiting a mate in Geelong this arvo, so I am going to be able to teach all you gaybos a lesson, I am in.


LOL @ Labs' serial key PM.

What is this friday event! I see nothing about it.

WHERE THE HELL IS BA ANUS? I just want a ~20v20 Sunday night, 8pm Battle on native. He goes quite when he has a bloody option for a battle! heaps of people expressed interest. JUST DO IT SON!

BTW - Warband is an amazing game. While rilled with many imperfections and 90's graphics, it is absolutely beautiful. So beautiful that I get VERY EXCITED everytime a similar LOOKING game is about to be released - IN THE HOPEEEE, THAT IT is ANYTHING like WARBANDZ. Lets appreciate this beast and beauty of a game.

Oh come on, let's be fair. 2004 graphics.
A_Concerned_Citizen said:
Oh come on let's be fair. 2004 graphics.

Apologies. In Warband's defence, you can make some interesting faces, as we've all experienced.

A couple chaps from the NI community for native admins? I don't even get how that makes sense. Just need servers and admins that are actually around to do things.

Baanus wont even reply, so it's hard to get something going in that sense + clans have pretty much died out. I have no power so can't do crap. Admins don't want/care about doing anything either.

Really wouldn't mind the big battle, whoever rocks up gets to participate, even teams - Native vs Others. Would be sick. The idea is out there, just need some support.

In other news, Revz just won the LCC tournament, some nub was a lucky 2nd and jaja third. All because it was revz/jaja in the semis...

Regardless, this proves that LCC can attract extremely talented players into its community.
Kelpie said:
In other news, Revz just won the LCC tournament, some nub was a lucky 2nd and jaja third. All because it was revz/jaja in the semis...

Regardless, this proves that LCC can attract extremely talented players into its community.

First line was deceptive, second in jest. This line is strikingly accurate:

Clearly Revz wears the pants in their relationship.
LoungeChairCarnage (Australian & NZ Mount & Blade community)  is running weekly Native Tournaments on a custom map designed specically for it.  if there are more suggestions for future events, throw us a line or come join the community and suggest or give feed back for improvements or expantion.  SkadiWu has created this map for us all, I missed the event but have heard a lot of positive things abhout it so far.

BaronBaanus said:
LoungeChairCarnage (Australian & NZ Mount & Blade community)  is running weekly Native Tournaments on a custom map designed specically for it.  if there are more suggestions for future events, throw us a line or come join the community and suggest or give feed back.

Or just vist.....
Son0fApollo said:
BaronBaanus said:
LoungeChairCarnage (Australian & NZ Mount & Blade community)  is running weekly Native Tournaments on a custom map designed specically for it.  if there are more suggestions for future events, throw us a line or come join the community and suggest or give feed back.

Or just vist.....
que LCC jingle
BaronBaanus said:
LoungeChairCarnage (Australian & NZ Mount & Blade community)  is running weekly Native Tournaments on a custom map designed specically for it. 

Read the previous two pages. If you can't read well, just try find your name within the text. Can't justify participating if you wont bother to respond.
BaronBaanus said:
LoungeChairCarnage (Australian & NZ Mount & Blade community)  is running weekly Native Tournaments on a custom map designed specically for it.  if there are more suggestions for future events, throw us a line or come join the community and suggest or give feed back for improvements or expantion.  SkadiWu has created this map for us all, I missed the event but have heard a lot of positive things abhout it so far.

So Baron B.Anus does this mean that you won't be participating in a LCC v Old boys Native battle Sunday on GoN battle server?

Also "the JaJa" wanted to build Revs self esteme.  So much love and smouldering passion.  Was it a sword and bored finale or heavily armoured short bow duel?
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