Any Chance for Noble Titles in the Game ??

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I would like to know if there is a chance for some kind for titles like Duke,Count or Baron will be available in the game?? Like you start as a Count and Progress as Duke and if you don't have enough influence points you can't be a King or a different title depending to your renown.
Technically speaking that's exactly what you become when you swear fealty as a vassal. I can't speak to any faction but the Empire, but when you swear fealty you get the military title of archon and the civil rank of Senator (which allows you to hold fiefs as a magistrate).

The game doesn't really acknowledge any of your titles anywhere else in dialogue or in the encyclopedia -- it would be nice if they were used elsewhere.
Well i want some kind of progression in the game about creating your own Faction from Chieftain like Battania has or Baron to Count and Duke.
And btw the Encyclopedia does give titles to rulers but not to you.But it will be cool if you can give titles to other members of family and vassals.
Yeah would like to see titles and perhaps even tiers of vassalge as well. Like a Duke can have counts under him, counts can have barons and barons can have unlanded nobles sworn to them. That way civil wars would be quite interesting as a Duke could actually grow more powerful than the king himself.
Sure, I wish the encylopedia gave us titles as well. And title rank progression to reflect clan tiers would be nice -- so long as they fit the factions. So the Empire would be more like Greco-Roman political offices, Vlandia would be more like traditional noble titles, etc.
Btw why can't i give fiefs to my companions ?

The clan owns the fiefs, not individual members, with the head of the clan controlling them. Companions are just non-family clan members.
You can set them up as governors though.
What about Family members ?? any chance to give them a fief??

I mean, you could try kicking them from the clan and hiring them back on as a vassal maybe? If you can even kick family members. Though good luck with getting them to agree to being a vassal after booting 'em from the clan. Wanderers just go back to being wanderers after being booted I think, so that won't work for them. I don't know what happens to family members if they're booted (do they start a new clan, become wanderers, revert to their old clan if they had one).

Again, it's the *clan* that owns the fiefs, not the individual members of the clan (family are part of the clan). Think of it like shared ownership where everyone has an equal ownership share, but only the CEO (clan leader) directs what happens.

That said I wouldn't be surprised at all if the governor role was eventually expanded to actually manage it for you (recruiting, building, etc...). Then you could assign a clan member as a governor and they'd run it. Though that's not currently how it works.

The important thing to remember though is that clan members aren't vassals. So they don't get to partake in things specific to clans, such as owning fiefs and voting. They're basically just an extension of the clan leader.
On top of that it'd been nice if vassals were hierarchical... for one being able to order around your clan regardless of what the kingdom says and also that you would could have indirect vassals and lieges. You're under a liege and the liege is under the king, for instance.
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