Allow players to fight in the daytime only as an option. Historically, nearly every medieval battle took place in the DAYTIME!

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Have you tried adjusting brightness?
Nighttime is supposed to be a hard time to fight. It is why i delay my sieges till early mornings or late afternoons. The only times i fight at night is if i am caught by the enemy.
Historically, commanders favored nighttime for ambushes and to fight enemies when they are garrisoned to catch them off guard or when they won't perform at their best. If that could be reflected in game and the AI would have reduced accuracy and lower moral for night fights that would be awesome. It would level the playing field and would create more strategic approaches to battles.
Or a slider in the option to set which hours trigger a "night time" battle scene, allowing to keep "sync" with game time, or reduce it towards the middle of the night while expanding the dawn/dust settings down to "no night battle at all".
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