Resolved AI pathfinding breakdown as siege attacker on cracked walls Pravend map

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No, I didn't use any mods.
Summary: When attacking Pravend, Galend or similar vlandian towns that share the same map with walls lvl 3. Both walls are cracked. Infantry set on Charge command seems to try to find the direct path to the target while ignoring walls and therefore getting stuck on these walls. Even the vicinity of the breaches makes many of them get trapped on the walls without finding the breaches. Ordering the infantry to move by placing a movement command on the ground inside the walls slightly helps with pathfinding, fewer soldiers get stuck on the walls. Yet it is still absolutely disastrous as so many still get stuck and shot down by enemy ranged defenders while walking into the wall and being oblivious to missiles.
How to Reproduce: using Charge command with melee formations on Pravend/Galend map, walls lvl3, both walls cracked, no enemy siege engines present
Have you used cheats and if so which: none
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Media (Screenshots & Video): https://imgur. com/IDQlUL0 (for some reason the screenshot won't show in this post)
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