SP - General Ability to rename Settlements.

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It should be possible to rename towns, villages and castles.​
To prevent you from going NUTS from the start, and giving everything a new name, it should function as follows:​
  1. To grant a fief a new name, you need to have owned said fief for 200+ days, equal to a year of ingame time if i remember correctly.​
  2. The name change must go through a kingdom vote, where you spend influence. The more lords who disagree with the namechange, the more influence it costs.​
  3. After the name chnage, the fief will get a penalty to loyalty and security, lasting 400 days.​
  4. At day 401 after the name change, the fief will recieve a small bonus to loyalty and security, lasting untill the fief changes name again.​
  5. If the settlement is retaken by the original faction owner, the name will be changed back to it's original state without penalty, losing any bonuses/penalties.​
This could be extended to kingdoms/clans or characters, with similar effects.​
Lastly, there should be a toggle in the character creation screen, that allows you to ignore these features partially or completely.​
+1 for sure and have crossed my mind to but skip the bonuses if they arent been build that is like in warband
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