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Want to start by saying I love the game and thanks to everyone who's worked or suggested stuff for it!

I had an idea for a slight rework to the making peace mechanic and wanted to know what people thought.
Basically in the days of old, when peace was discussed it involved the 2 leaders surrounded by some loyal soldiers and vassals and a discussion would take place, a bit like the barter system we have with npc's

Sp I had an idea of rather than you click make peace and vote in it, if you click and the vote succeeds you then are given a quest to go to a defined area, like a castle near the border (which side owns the castle depends on the one calling for peace) the quest will be given to vassals thay have 300+ influence (so not everyone is their) and you'll enter the keep with the opposing leader with you, there you can "barter" taking a monthly payment, or a extra castle and calling it a deal. Then peace is made and the quest is completed. Should you not go for whatever reason the war will simply continue, and you'll take a penalty with your vassals or cities etc? I think this would add a sense of realism to peace, as it was never as simple as one side says theirs peace and then their is.

But yeah, thats my idea. Wasn't entirely sure where to out this as it's adding to the UI but also doesn't really fit into the battle and sieges section.
Let me know what you think
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