
  1. In Progress Explorer Achievement Doesn't Work

    Summary: After trying to complete the achievement, I found this thread: which in short says that most map interaction or settlement interaction reverses the condition of visiting a settlement. How to Reproduce...
  2. Need More Info Bannerlord Açılmıyor

    Özet : Epic Games'ten Bannerlord aldım. Açılış ekranında play veya countine ya basınca ya hiçbir şey olmuyor ya da Epic games görev çubuğunda Açılıp turuncu yanıp sönüyor. Forumlarda ne denirse yaptım. Configs dosyasını silmeye çalıştım (açılışta tekrar oluşuyor) anti virüsleri kapattım, oyunu...

    Will the trophies/achievements ever be addressed?

    Other game companies have changed trophy requirements in the past when online trophies were impossible. There are no players (as far as I know) that have achieved the platinum trophy, as the servers are not able to be filled. I’m surprised Sony never said anything about this due to the high...
  4. XIII Тагма

    XIII Тагма

    Тринадцатая Тагмата Ликароника на службе Императрицы Рагеи, принимает воинов в свои ряды! Мы предлагаем: Регулярные битвы на 500 реальных игроков Самый крупный русскоязычный полк Тренировки и множество хороших игроков, готовых помочь обучиться играть Мы требуем: Адекватность Дисциплина...
  5. Dervishan

    Karımla nasıl zaman geçirebilirim?

    Bannelord'da evlenebiliyoruz ancak çocuk yapmaktan, kaleye yada şehre vali atamaktan ve birliğe almaktan başka bir şey yapamıyoruz karımızla nasıl vakit geçirebiliriz oyunda böyle bir şey mümkün mü yada böyle bir mod var mı?
  6. Eenova

    (Console) Cross Platform

    Is there any plan on adding cross platform from consoles or even consoles to PC because Xbox servers and PlayStation Servers are down to 10-20 players a day something needs to change quickly
  7. In Progress Multiplayer Servers Down on PS5

    Summary: Hello, I just wanted to make it known that the Bannerlord ps5 servers have been buggy recently. At times there is only 1 or 2 servers available on the server list. East NA is almost never available. This has been the case for about a week now. A fix would be greatly appreciated. Thank...
  8. byNautiic

    Resolved MP wont load when Spotify is open

    Summary: If you have spotify open in the background, while you enter "Multiplayer" it will get stuck in an infinite regular loading screen. The solution is to close spotify fully and restart the game, go into multiplayer then you can start spotify after everything is fully loaded. How to...
  9. Filips

    SA Native Battle In-progress [SA] Mount&Blade Latinoamérica - EVENTO "WILLIAM WALLACE"

    NUEVO EVENTO "WILLIAM WALLACE" Viernes a las 22:30 CHL/ARG/BR Server: [SA] Mount&Blade Latinoamérica Discord: Mas información e inscripciones en discord. ~Recuerden que nuestros servidores de Bannerlord y Warband estarán activos las 24/7 por este mes...
  10. LordButters

    Bannerlord is too... Mid?

    Bannerlord is just so mid, it’s painful. You start off with all this potential, thinking you’re going to be the next great warlord of Calradia, only to find out that the entire game is just the same thing over and over again. AI tend to follow the same predictable tactics, and trarely adapts to...
  11. Trading fiefs seems off, unbalanced

    I was just about to trade a settlement for another settlement, my town had almost double the prosperity of the one I was gonna get in the trade, but the other lord still wanted about 6 million additional denars even though I'm losing out here on the prosperity and in all likelihood the daily...
  12. Istomol

    SP - General Key suggestions for game Devs

    Key suggestions for improving Bannerlord, focusing on areas that could enhance gameplay depth and endgame content: More Meaningful Interactions: The game lacks depth in character interactions, especially with family members, NPCs, guards, and townspeople. Players should be able to interact...
  13. branko156

    SA Native Battle Open [SA] Mount&Blade Latinoamérica - Battle Event [11 & 12 October 2024] 22:30hrs CHL/BR/ARG. [UTC-3]

  14. Filips

    SA Native Duel Completed [SA] Mount&Blade Latinoamérica - 1° Torneo de Bannerlord 50$

    Mount & Blade Latinoamérica organiza primer torneo oficial de Bannerlord >PREMIO 50$usd< Server: [SA] Mount&Blade Latinoamérica Discord: Bracket: Mapa: The_Arena Facción: Sturgia GANADOR: ElTioArroz...
  15. What's the most kids someone has had?

    title. and is there a limit to how many children you can have? I'm also just wondering about the inner workings, maybe someone familiar with the game code can chime in about if there is cap on family size. I have both the virile perk for my brother and his wife and trying to (reloading and...
  16. Cirdan fen Mormegil

    A Translation of Battanian Place Names

    A treatise on the meaning of Battanian place names written by Cirdan fen Mormegil. Use my translations freely for whatever project you are working on, just PM me about it and credit me :xf-smile:. I am 95-100% percent confident that all these terms are translated to the original meaning as...
  17. Filips

    Mount & Blade Online Q2 2026?

    It may be obvious that they are working on something and that something is nothing less than a new "Mount & Blade Online" like "Bannerlord Online" is it very strange that the only mod ever achieved in Warband was achieved in Bannerlord fully functional and with payment systems, and before the...
  18. Loofan

    Need More Info Scene Editor SettlementsDistanceCacheFilePath could not be read!. Cache will be created right now, This may take few minutes!

    Hi, I am new to Bannerlord modding but I have been wanting to add more settlements to the base game along with some new factions just to add my little touch on the world. My game and modding kit tool are on 1.2.9, I have placed one town and one village within the navmesh of the map and ran the...
  19. Loofan

    Assertion Failed!

    Hi! I just recently started using the modding tools in an attempt to add new settlements to the base game and after many strange crashes I have gotten to a point where I have placed a town and a village, setup my xml folder and nodes in my submodule, as well as creating the settlement distance...
  20. Resolved General Bannerlord PS Multiplayer Servers Are Down

    Hello, It seems the PlayStation multiplayer servers are currently down. Both Captain/Skirmish and all of the custom game modes are unplayable.
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