SP Fantasy A Miracle of Peace: an Elder Scrolls mod idea.

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I have an idea for a mod. I have no idea what to do when it comes to modding but I have time and am totally willing to learn and work with others. But yeah, this might be a little ambitious. It's called A Miracle of Peace.

So my idea is pretty much to make an Elder Scrolls mod conversion that could maybe run off Brytenwalda or AD1257. It would be way too big to do every province in Tamriel, so the map would be set in the Northwestern area of the continent of Tamriel. It includes the Kingdoms of High Rock, The Republic of Hammerfell, The Province of Skyrim, The Kingdom of Skyrim, and the Colovian Estates/Cyrodiilic Empire. Smaller factions would include Orsinium, The Reach, Daedric Worshippers, and bands of 'adventurers' from the borders of Valenwood, Elsweyr, and Morrowind.


The Kingdoms of High Rock


Other locations such as the Adamantium Tower of the Direnni Elves and Alcaire, homeland of Tiber Septim would be cool. The Breton people of High Rock are mixed with a bit of Elvish blood and they follow their once Elven overlords in a feudal state, while also being well-known for their knowledge of the arcane arts. The people live largely in serfdom, and the nobility train to become knights and wizards, sometimes both. The Bretons have good cavalry, mediocre infantry and archer(just use crossbows), and hopefully if we can do some spells, they'll have the best magic troops (Battlemages, Arcane Knights, Arcane Archers). Their culture is high medieval French with lots of magic/elvish influence. High-King Emeric II rules over his Kingdoms, and his vassals are Kings who own Cities, Castles, and Villages. The Bretons have made a pact with the Cyrodiilic Empire. They war alot with Orcs, and sometimes with the Reachmen and Redguards, and even less with the peoples of Skyrim.

The Republic of Hammerfell

Stros M'kai

King Thassad rules over Hammerfell with his vassals of Governors who rule the cities and settlements. The people of Hammerfell are Redguards who hail from the lost continent of Yokuda, swordmasters who could split atoms with their ancient magic of sword-singing. The Redguards are suspicious of magic, so they don't have much magic users. They are excellent horse archers and use light cavalry. Their archers are very good. Their faction has the best infantry in the game. Their culture is mostly based on North African, with many tribal villages living in the Alikr desert to the West, while the civilized Redguards live towards the Forests of the northeast and fight Valenwood invading bandits in the southeastern jungles. They are usually always at war with the Reachmen and Orcs in the Dragontail and Wrothgarian Mountains.

The Province of Skyrim


King Wulfharth is ruler of the Province of Skyrim, and governs over his Jarls from the Blue Palace in the city of Solitude. The people of Skyrim are the descendants of the first men who came to Tamriel from the now frozen wastes of Atmora, and they landed in Skyrim and defeated the Snow Elves. The Atmorans of Skyrim became known as the Nords, and the Atmorans who left to settle outside Skyrim became known as Nedes. The Nords have the best archers, both longbow and crossbow, of the human factions. The Nordic two-handed infantry are great, but on the whole the other melee troops are slow. The cavalry is always good to have, but horses are more scarce in Skyrim than in Cyrodiil or High Rock, and are usually used by noblemen, so cavalry isn't used a lot in Skyrim. This faction is the Province of Skyrim because they are allied with the Cyrodiilic empire unlike the Freeholds. Skyrim is based on Northern European countries such as Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, with a hint of Scottish influence.

The Freeholds of Skyrim

White Run

The Nords of the Freeholds want to keep their land free of Cyrodiilic influence. Basically the Civil War in TES5 but during the first empreror The Jarls are ruled by High-Queen Elaina of Winterhold. They war mostly with the Province of Skyrim and the Cyrodiilic Empire, and sometimes the Reachmen and Hammerfell.

The Cyrodiilic Empire:

The Imperial City

In the beginning of the game, you have a few days to help Hjalti Eary-Beard rise to power. This of course happens in the Siege of Sancre Tor if the pc decides to help. He can continue a little chain of quests in the Colovian Estates of Cyrodiil, ruled by King Cuhlecain. Colovians are based on mix of late medieval Byzantine and Roman Empire. The people are usually free unlike their Breton cousins, so serfdom is pretty nonexistant. When Cyrodiil was owned by the ancient elves, the Ayleids, they had captured the Nedes coming from the north and used their victims as slaves in their underground cities, until their savior St. Alessia prayed to the Aedric gods for help to overthrow the Ayleids. They Ayleids are now extinct. The lords of these estates are called Counts, and are ruled by the King Cuhlecain. If you decide to help Hjalti's party by accompanying or actually becoming a part of his army, he will then go to besiege the Imperial City and King Cuhlecain disappears from the map, implying that Hjalti had him covertly killed. Hjalti changes his name to Tiber Septim, and the Colovian Estates change to the Cyrodiilic Empire, and that would be when Skyrim territory splits from the provincial allies and the rebellious Freeholds. They would also make an alliance with the Breton cousins in High Rock in order to fight the Orcs and Reachmen. Even if you dont do the quests, after an in-game month the events still happen  Imperial troops are decent archers (just use crossbows), a great infantry unit of spearmen and pikemen, and have the best cavalry of the game. They don't use magic as much as the Bretons, but they have great healers. They are at War with The Freeholds, The Reachmen, and usually Hammerfell. The have to potential to war with High Rock, if the player can convince one of the rulers. It cannot go to war with the Province of Skyrim.

Minor Factions:

Orsinium- The Elves who were transformed by Malacath, Daedric God of the Spurned, to look as fearsome as his followers were brutal. The Pariah Elves, in the Merish language their name translates to Orsimer. The Orcs have warred with the Bretons and Redguards for hundreds of years. The city-state of Orsinium is in the center of the Wrothgarian Mountains. They are almost always at war with High Rock, frequently war with Hammerfell and Skyrim, and usually ally with the Reachmen. They have have good armor, decent infantry (especially two-handed), and great horse archers. I'd compare them to a mix of Native American with a hint of Mongolian.

The Reach - Reachmen are pretty much Breton a weird subrace who mix with Orcs, Nords, and Redguards and thlive in the Southeastern board of High Rock that connects to Hammerfell and Skyrim. The Reachmen hold many small settlements North of the Dragontail Mountains, and east of Markarth in Skyrim. Their culture can be described as a more druid version of old Celtic lifestyle. The Reachmen war with the Province of Skyrim and Highrock and sometimes Hammerfell. Sometimes the Empire will help the Northern provinces.

Daedric Worshippers - There are sixteen Daedric Princes and they all have followers that span the continent. The Daedric princes are:

Sheogorath, Prince of Madness
Molag Bal, Prince of Domination
Malacath, Prince of the Ostricized
Mehrunes Dagon, Prince of Destruction
Boethiah, Prince of Deceit
Meridia, Prince of Life and Lady of Energy
Azura, Prince of Dusk and Dawn
Jyggalag, Prince of Order
Sanguine, Prince of Debauchery
Vaermina, Prince of Nightmares
Hircine, Prince of the Hunt
Clavicus Vile, Prince of Trickery
Hermaeus Mora, Prince of Knowledge
Peryite, Prince of Pestilence
Namira, Prince of Revulwsion (from spiders to cannibals)
Nocturnal, Prince of Shadows
Mephala, Prince of Plots

Bosmer Outlaws - Wood elf rangers from Valenwood who attack Cyrodiilic, and Redguard citizens.

Khajiit Hunters - Feline humanoids from Elsweyr who attack Cyrodiilic people.

Dunmer Slavers - Dark elf invaders who try to capture citizens of the Freehold of Skyrim and the Cyrodilic Empire

The Knights of the Nine - A Knightly order in Cyrodiil

The Knights of the Flame - A Knightly order in High Rock

The Order of Diagna - A Knightly order in Hammerfell

The Companions - Skyrim doesn't have a Knightly order, but a guild that started in the early days of Skyrim. Located in Whiterun.

The Fighters Guild - another guild of fighters based in the Imperial City and Solitude.

The Mages Guild - a guild of Mages based in the Arcane University in the Imperial City. It is also supported in High Rock.

Crowns and Forebears - Two faction of Hammerfell who war against each other because of social befielfs. Forebears are more progressive and willing to intergrate into Tamrielic culture, while Crowns are more conservative and want to keep ancient Yokudan ways.

For a map I was using something like this: http://i.imgur.com/Xw4DirS.jpg  (can't post clickies yet because I've just registered)

This mod would take place in the Tiber Wars in the late 2nd era so it's a bit different due to changes in the 4th Era. I would also want to change some location like in Hammerfell to have settlements more spread out. Thing is I don't have much knowledge when it comes to modding but I've played a lot of them, and I think this version of Tamriel could be amazing. If anyone wants to help make a dream become potentially something more, let me know.

Wow :shock: This sounds amazing! Love the idea, it's very ambitious.

Just one problem:
The area of Tamriel you plan to map is way to big, in my not-so-expert opinion. Check out this map of Skyrim. I'm not saying it's impossible, (I mean, look at 1257 AD!), but I would advise against it for two main reasons:
1.) Map making can be difficult to do; be it learning 3D editing programs such as Blender or dealing with outdated programs, such as Thorgrim's Map Editor.
2.) Large maps are pretty intensive and will affect low-end PCs badly (such as my crappy PC  :dead:) and turn away potential players. This is a generalization, but the M&B community is filled with low-end PC users (not that there's anything wrong with that, of course :smile: ).

To optimize the map for lower end PCs, you'd need to lower the ammount of verts you have on your map (the map is made up of a 3D mesh that has been triangulated, for reference: Calraida has a little over 20,000 verts), but this would sacrifice map detail for preformance.

OR, you could lower the size if the map, condensing the factions, maybe lowering party moving speed to make up for the shorter distances.

Anyway, don't let me stop you; never let anyone stop you ( :!: edgy alert lol :!:). Therefore, as a newbie helping a newbie, I'm going to link you to some tutorials I used :grin:
Here are some helpful links!

-The Ultimate Intoduction to Modding
-A Visual Learners Guide to Modding, check out his video series on YouTube!
- The 1.166 Module System with tweaks by Lav
-An Intoduction to Module System Syntax
-The Forge, Documentation and Tutorials

There are many more useful links out there, just run a quick search. Anyway, good luck on your journey through mod making! :grin:

it seems like you may need some more room to post, i'd reserve some posts if i were you. send me a PM and i'll delete this post, if you'd like some space or just don't like this post. don't worry, i won't be upset if you decide to ask me to delete it.
Hrm, maybe a bit to ambitious for the beginning. When you dont have a full scale team on you hands, how about you start with something smaler?
For exemple you could revamp the Morrowind mod. http://www.moddb.com/mods/morrowind-house-wars
Just ask the guy if you have the permission. He is still active on the moddb side.^^
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