A lot of fix, but where is the stuff for 40 dollars we pay?

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You made the choice to buy the game. You knew what would be in it. It said it right on the store page. In fact, there are a number of big features (clan management, kingdom creation, and weapon modification) we were told not to expect in the initial release that are here anyway. You pay for what's advertised, and you got all that was advertised and more.
I'll admit I'm disappointed in how featureless the game is right now, it seems there's a lot of content missing and the snowballing issue is highly frustrating, campaigns right now are just pointless. But having said that, this is Early Access, I knew what I was paying for and the devs are working hard fixing bugs, every day they've brought out a patch and they're fixing stuff, I have to credit them for that.

For me bugs haven't been too much of an issue, it's more of the gameplay and AI that needs implementing and fixing so far. But a lot of people have been really struggling with bugs, so they're prioritising that first and I think that's fair enough.
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