A family member cannot mount a horse.

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If you give a family member a horse, then if you give the command to "dismount" in battle and press "mount" back, nothing will happen and she will not get on the horse.
If you give a family member a horse, then if you give the command to "dismount" in battle and press "mount" back, nothing will happen and she will not get on the horse.
Does the family member have enough riding skill to mount the horse? Family members come with T6 horses equipped even if they don’t have enough riding skill to actually equip that horse. If you remove the horse from their equipment, you won’t be able to put it back unless they have enough skill (the same situation applies to bows).

A similar thing may be happening with mounting horses in combat. I know that as a main character you can’t mount a horse that you find in combat if your riding skill isn’t high enough to equip it.
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