3rd Regiment Of Foot Guards, The Scots Guards (Recruiting)

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Best of luck from the 6th! PS. your guys can fire 9vollys in 3minutes, we were ask to lead your training for abit until your other officers got online! Anyway we timed your guys 9 Vollys 3minutes!

Lt.Colonel Carmichael of the 6th
Very sorry to say Nicholls, I had the 3rd Regiment of Foot guards as one of my best regiments in NTW in my current campaign, unfortunately they were wiped out at a battle in Southern France.  :cry:
I shall have to raise them again soon.
Just made the official thread for our event, check it out
Hello Nicholls!
Just letting you know I want to talk to you tommorow about that Sunday LB thing you do, if you still do it, Message me on steam please when we're both on.
This shall also serve as a moderate bump, even though last post was just over an hour ago.
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