1st Historical LB using Advance Skirmish Battle Rules

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OK guys its here the 1st Historical LB.  I've thought this over a lot but I think if we give this one quick gone we can see whats wrong and what needs to be fixed.  So I'm postponing the Practice run on this so this is the Real thing.

As many regs have training during the week I would urge you to teach them the rules before coming to the LB.  If you come and some of your men don't know the rules I am going to have to ask those men to leave due to problems in the past i.e Ramboers, TKers and everything that's gone wrong with LB :razz:

Each in game reg will consist of 30-47 players to give a sense of larger LB.  So don't think that if you only have 10 men you cant come cause you can :grin: you and your men will be paired up with another reg to make the 30-47 man limit.  So if your the head officer of a reg you will have to give up some power, meaning there can only be one commanding officer for each reg but you can have multiple officers so if one dies the next takes his place. So the officers will have to work out a CoC(chain of Command) before the battle.

In this LB we will not be using cav as we don't have rules set up for them as of now but all cav regs are welcome to come as Inf, Skirmishers or arty.  We do plan on having cav in the future Historical LB.

So after all that I guess you guys want some info, so here it is:

Server: 1st EPI server

Time: 3 Est, 8 GMT

Day: Saturday

Commanders: Jasper, Waiting to be filled

Number of men to bring: Anything.  You will all be put into larger regs of 30-47 men.

What needs to be done before: Learn the rules and teach your men the rules.

Admins: WolfStar, Ed, Greentiny, Moogs(if the 95th isn't playing :razz: )

How to sign up: Like all things theres a sign up sheet and here it is:

Regiment name:

Number of men:

What you'd like to go as:

Who is the Head officer of the unit:

What Map will we be using:  As of now we will be using Waterloo just to start us off.  Once we know what we are going we are doing we are going to be recreating historical battles fields for Napoleonic era, Civil War era and the American Revolutionary War. 

So please come out and support us in this new and hopefully awesome ever.  Hope to hear that there were some epic musket fights going on out in the field.

Also Pubbers are allowed so come on out.
From HoASB,
1st Lt Pilawa
Sounds fun

Regiment name:2nd Royal Foot Guards(Coldstream)

Number of men:10-12

What you'd like to go as:2nd Foot Guards Coldstream

Who is the Head officer of the unit:grin:ukeOfWellington

Regiment name:4th Coalition Corps

Number of men:30-40

What you'd like to go as:line or else skirmishers

Who is the Head officer of the unit:Yuki
Regiment name: Suomen suuriruhtinaskunnan armeija

Number of men: 0-10, its heatwave in Finland so, not lot of guys are sitting at the PC on dark room :grin:

What you'd like to go as: Line or skirmishers. Because we are few

Who is the Head officer of the unit: ** or Annddy
Sorry guys, things have come up so I will have to make the LB next weekend.  Everything is the same so just go over the rules with your men at your trainings.  Really sorry about the sudden change, I will try to make it up to you next week with a better LB :grin:

From Head of The Historcal LB,

wolfstar97 said:
The_Dane said:
Sry, if people from 95th got admin then it's gonna be messy and ****ed up.. Not attending D:

Mads... What have i ever done to you?


Well, nothing. You are the only one I trust from the 95th!
It's Greentiny and Moogs that will destroy it!
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