1er Regiment d’Infanterie Suisse de la Garde -MP Testing-

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Grandmaster Knight
1er Regiment d’Infanterie Suisse de la Garde
No money, no Swiss

The Swiss, like all mountaineers, make capital soldiers when drilled; and, wherever they have served as regular troops under foreign banners, they have fought exceedingly well. But being rather slow-headed, they need drilling much more, indeed, than either French or North Germans, to give them confidence in themselves and cohesion.

The Swiss troops served Napoleon but they also served Spain, Austria and the Pope. Swiss mercenaries have played their important roles in France. Francis I of France used some 120,000 Swiss levies in his wars. Under King Louis XIV, the Swiss troops were organized in two categories, with the king's guard separate from the ordinary Swiss regiments. In August 1792 the Swiss Guards defended the Tuileries Palace in Paris during the French Revolution, when several hundred of the Guard were massacred by the Parisian mob that stormed the Palace. Their stand permitted the royal family to escape across the gardens.

The French Revolution abolished mercenary troops in its citizen army but Napoleon used them. The Swiss served loyally so long as they were paid regularly. There was saying "No money, no Swiss." The Swiss infantrymen were well trained and disiplined. Their musket volleys were perfectly controlled, their shots well aimed. French General Merle said: "It was pity that the Swiss couldn't handle two muskets at once, if they only could he would issue them". Marshal Lannes was titular colonel of the Swiss troops in the French service. The Swiss served Napoleon and France well.​



Capitaine - Cpt                             
Lieutenant - Lt                           
Sous Lieutenant - SLt

Sergent Major - SgtMaj             
Sergent - Sgt                                 
Caporal - Cpl

Enlisted Men                   
Garde - Grd                         
Soldat - Sdt​







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Steam Name : Seegineer.
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Country : Switzerland (I am british though).
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Steam Name :insanepeach2000
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Steam Name : Parazonium
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Steam Name :Jimmy2207
In-Game Name :Caranor
Country :TheNetherlands
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All your names have been noted and we shall prepare to kick some ass in the MP testing
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