1866 - X-Mas Release (v0.8)

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insomniac said:
I see you really active in the forums. Maybe you can be reqruited as beta tester.  :cool:
Sign me up! I'm a mild M&B addict (it almost cost me my final exams) and I've always had a thing for western aesthetics, so 1866 is rather naturally one of my favourite mods/games at the time. I'd be happy to help with what little I can do.
I think this ss gives an idea  :wink:  You can also see the people running in panic because someone pointed his gun  :grin:


or this. Look how it holds straight ahead like it should be

note: the pistol is called bacon, not in 0.8  :wink:

Pistol is called bacon ?? lol

Looks great, the rear hand on the Winchester might be a bit big but who cares, big improvement and the little touches like people running and bullets kicking up dust is part of what makes this mod so great.

With the dust kicking up, I think it should only be on desert maps/in town as obviously it would be unrealistic in thickly grassed and forested areas. But if its all or nothing then bring on the dust effects!

After the next release, assuming the bugs are ironed out, IMO you should approach Taleworlds and see if you can sell this as a standalone Western game in shops, its one genre that hasnt been done to death! It will cost some decent bucks I guess but it might take off!
Percival Goodenough said:
Pistol is called bacon ?? lol

Looks great, the rear hand on the Winchester might be a bit big but who cares, big improvement and the little touches like people running and bullets kicking up dust is part of what makes this mod so great.

Both hands are the same size :razz: It's probably because he's wearing gloves.
Percival Goodenough said:
With the dust kicking up, I think it should only be on desert maps/in town as obviously it would be unrealistic in thickly grassed and forested areas. But if its all or nothing then bring on the dust effects!

in green terrain the effect is mud kicking up not dust. It is kinda like the horse running effect, it changes according to terrain
I think insomniac is using his imagination, the effect is exactly the same  :wink:

However, I am considering making a different particle effect for bullets hitting water. Don't think you can check the terrain texture.
In green grassed areas (ie not dry ground) bullets dont make dust though, they just thud invisibly into the ground, I know for a fact, but if you must have dust-kicking everywhere or nowhere , everywhere is great.

I think both gloved hands are a bit big, hold up any rifle you own and see, but NM, its an improvement!
It's a little-known fact, but insomniac is, in fact, a hyperintelligent adding machine. Consider yourselves lucky that he contents himself with counting the number of 1866 downloads instead of plotting world domination.
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