[1.3.0-Beta] Party leader Hoarding Sturgian Peasants in their castle (Ustokol Castle)

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Ustokol Castle is getting crowded with Surgian Peasants because of the AI
How to reproduce
Party leader that own Ustokol help killing the looters over there, but the geography of the place make those looters very effective at raiding and capturing peasants. therefore, those party leader take the peasant they just "saved" in their troops and put the peasants in the Ustokol Castle garrison where they can store the excess units they have.
After a while, the Ustokol Castle Prosperity plummet. If you barter the Castle to yourself to check what s wrong, Hundreds of Sturgian Peasants are stuffed in the garrison (probably thousands at one point but I realise it very late and 500+ were still remaining after ~100 days exploding the capacity of the garrison far beyond it s limit) draining everything the nearby village produce.

please make Hoarding Sturgian Peasants in castle Illegal. release them into the wild where they belong.
this is a message from the SPPA
+1, this is happening to my own castles frequently (1.4 beta), exceeding their food capacity and lowing their loyalty. Even time i chuck them, a day or two later there are more. Found a castle nearly in rebellion with 300...
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