In Progress 1.2 Party Roles Keep Getting Unassigned from Companions

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Yes, I used mods.


As the title says, the party roles of surgeon and engineer were assigned to my brother Niasen and companion Litka.

However, every so often when I check the party screen under the clan tab, these roles would just be unassigned.

I made sure that I press "Done" to exit the tab and double check by going back to the party screen to make sure I did select them for the roles. But for some reason, they just get reverted back to the party leader.

I don't know if it's because I'm leading an army or if other vassals' armies joining would reset my party roles. But even during an attack siege with no party joining or leaving my army, the roles would get reverted back to the party leader.

I want my main character to be the scout and quartermaster so these two roles can be reset no problem. But unassigned surgeon and engineer roles would actually cost me. This is so strange and annoying to fix every time. I don't recall this happening in the previous patch. Is this a bug that you guys are aware of? Thanks!

*I use Butter Achievements Mod.

How to Reproduce:
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Media (Screenshots & Video):
The party roles I want

But keep getting reset:

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Hey, i have been informed that this issue is fixed and the fix will be applied with further patches. Thank you for your time and sorry for the inconvenience.
Hey, i have been informed that this issue is fixed and the fix will be applied with further patches. Thank you for your time and sorry for the inconvenience.
Do we have any idea when? I depended heavily on the other characters for this roles and game became unplayable for me atm? Any ETA of this patch?
Do we have any idea when? I depended heavily on the other characters for this roles and game became unplayable for me atm? Any ETA of this patch?
Hoping for a hotfix as well, I wouldnt say unplayable but I spend about 20% of every session going back to party menu and resetting it, after every battle, new companion, troop upgrade, sort of prisoner list. And the sound bug... i miss the sound in game
Hey, i have been informed that this issue is fixed and the fix will be applied with further patches. Thank you for your time and sorry for the inconvenience.
the issue is still existing in 1.2.3 when your party disbands (when it gets defeated on the battlefield) and you reinvite the party leaders. same happens for captains. both captains and companions won't show up as assignment option.
Hey, the fix is ready and our team will implement it to the game as soon as possible. Sorry for the inconvenience.
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