Problem overview:
Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord purchased at the Microsoft Store/Xbox on the Dec. 16th.
When I clicked Multiplayer-play to enter the game, it needed to log in. Then I clicked to log in, and an error is returned in a window: family sharing is prohibited
This is a game I...
Problem overview:
Mount and Blade 2: Bannerlord purchased at the Microsoft Store/Xbox on the Dec. 16th.
When I clicked Multiplayer-play to enter the game, it needed to log in. Then I clicked to log in, and an error is returned in a window: family sharing is prohibited
This is a game I...
Приветствую любители игры Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord.
Как поживаете?
Пожалуйста помогите как исправить такую проблему:
В стиме только установил игру 16.12.2022. Во время запуска игры не отображается на экране.
Я пробовал в свойстве локальные файлы проверить целостность игровых файлов, всё...
Hi, i downloaded The beta version of 1.8 today on Steam but when i load The game my laptop blue screens saying unkown kernel trap.
The version 1.7.3 worked fine and i never found a error, but this os The first thing that hapend when i Opened The beta version, does anyone know any corrente fix...
I often find myself cracked up at some of the funniest expressions on the NPCs from time to time. Here are some of my favorites:
Soldier from TF2 Has Joined the Southern Empire
The Stiff Upper lip
Winifred Sanderson
The three stooges
Hungry Eyes
After a fight with the Khurgits
That guy...
yardım eder misiniz ben Mount And Blade 2 bannerlord aldım oyunu indirdim oynuyorum ama mesela arkadaşlarım uzun bir silahta tek vuruşta 3-5 düşman alabiliyorlar ama ben uzun bir çiftelli silahla tek vuruşta tek adam alabiliyorum yardım eder yani bannerlord içinde savaş bandı oynuyomuş gibi...
We are the Zwarte clan, formerly known as the `` Zwarte Koninkrijk '', in the EU / TR. Our goal is to have fun with a friendly atmosphere and a fine environment.
Instead of a formal team, we were established to enjoy with our regular and harmonious team.
~?? ??? ?????? ???? ??? ???? ???? ...
I dont know if this is the place to post this.
I have noticed that many helmets in the game, for example the northern helmet, which almost completely exposes the jaw and the cheeks, has 31 armor rating while the segmented skullcab over mail coif, which cover the ears, the jaw and the cheeks...
Note: I would post a video and screenshots, however since this is a new account i have a 24 hour restriction.
After starting a new campaign in M&T Bannerlord (e1.4.0), I participated in a few tournaments one of which had a horse as the main prize to win ("Battanian Thoroughbred")...
Merhaba oyuna devam et dediğim anda oyunum kapanıyor bu soruna bir çözüm bulun lütfen! Giremiyorum single oynayamıyorum. Bu sorunu yeni sefer başlatarak çözmek istedim fakat oyuna başladığım da oyun içerisinde farklı kaydede bastım ve aynı hatayı verdi severek oynadığım oyun ve şuanda...
Oyunun gameplay videolarından izlediğim kadarıyla meydan muharebelerinde vs. askerlerin elinde sancaklar oluyordu ve bu da oyuna çok iyi bir hava katıyordu. Bannerlord'u otuz saatten fazla oynamama rağmen hala sancaklı bir muharebe göremedim. Ne yapmam gerekiyor ya da neden yok? Kaldırıldı mı?
Ever time I seige I get 150+ defenders. I only have 103, only a couple years to finish mai. Quest and I can’t seige a castle. Any advice please? Also can’t get more members in my group that I’m aware of without perks unless there is another way
The first time I had to start over after having half a mil of gold and a nice 79 man army cuz the main quest expired. Now. I powered thru main quest and almost 200 renown today and I still am almost at the time where the main quest expires. Wtf is this how the game is or is it a bug?
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