
  1. Mount and Blade II Bannerlord - Xbox Series X Console

    My only grievance with the console version is encountered during castle or town assaults. It revolves around the inability to direct my troops to focus their efforts on specific tasks. I wish for the capability to instruct them to attack the gate for a breach, to refrain from using ladders, and...
  2. CptMuppet

    In Progress High damage of throwing axes against town gates and siege equipment is a bug or an intended design?

    Summary: I found this issue while playing campaign in beta e1.6.4 some time ago. It works exacly the same in beta e.1.6.5 and here I am with this question/potential bug report. The issue is throwing axes can deal very high damage to destructible objects like town gates, barricades and siege...
  3. In Progress Siege mode Gate Bug

    Hello Guys, I noticed in Siege battles, that is the first door/gate is cracked via Battering Ram, the soldiers stop attacking the second gate and just staying 2 meter in front of the gate and starring on it. They also dont even attack the defender if they accidental open the second gate to...
  4. Lucius Confucius

    [Mod Request](Bannerlord) Massively more gate health.

    Hello! As topic suggests, is it possible to increase the gate health by a great amount on the first gate that the ram is supposed to knock down? This will make sieges longer and harder for the attackers. Also, is it possible for the defenders behind the gate to be in a more ordinary shield...
  5. Com783

    Resolved [1.4.1] Epicrotea Siege - Troops ignoring the gate

    Summary: So I joined an army of my faction and we besieged Epicrotea with Trebutchets, one siege tower and one siege ram. The siege tower was used pretty successful, the ladders were a bit weird, since our troops would switch from ladder to ladder. The biggest issue still is, that sometimes...
  6. [All Versions] Battering Ram, The Gate and units behavior (+ Ladders idea)

    Hello ! So, I assume, that many could noticed a fact, that if you crack a main gate, your delegated to AI units pretty much proceed to: A) Go to ladders B) Go to Siege Towers C) Go to both ladders and Siege towers. some of dudes ofc go and try to break it with their swords and axes and...
  7. Suggestion: Camera During Siege, Post-Death Should Work Differently.

    When I die mid-siege, it moves me to spectator mode. I'm this floating camera. That's cool. But when I try to fly through the main gate of the castle / city, my camera teleports above the castle. I can't actually move my camera through the main gate. I actually can't move my camera through any...
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