
  1. dariel

    Katar Damage Questions

    Hi all, I'm trying to implement katars and katar-like weapons using Somebody's unarmed damage code (https://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php?threads/extra-unarmed-damage.366778/) and Xenoargh's Fancy Damage code (https://forums.taleworlds.com/index.php?threads/fancy-damage-systems.152057/), and...
  2. Sigaretovic

    MP Chat en damage feed

    I like to have the damage feed enabled to see some details about damage, how the game registers hits etc. Unfortunately, both damage feed and chat use the same window. Because of that, text gets pushed out of the readable zone in no time. Can you figure out a way to make both feeds readable at...
  3. CptMuppet

    In Progress High damage of throwing axes against town gates and siege equipment is a bug or an intended design?

    Summary: I found this issue while playing campaign in beta e1.6.4 some time ago. It works exacly the same in beta e.1.6.5 and here I am with this question/potential bug report. The issue is throwing axes can deal very high damage to destructible objects like town gates, barricades and siege...
  4. Safety_Tree

    On Ammo Choices and Hidden Values

    Hey there, I've noticed that, oddly enough, the choice for archers that offers barbed arrows seems to consistently give me the best overall performance, even compared to perk options that explicitly say "Grants better Ammo", whether that option be the headshot bonus or the accuracy period...
  5. ChristopherR

    Scoreboard Suggestion

    Currently, score is based solely on damage. While I don't entirely disagree with this system, I do feel that there are more accurate ways of showing who is performing best, and how to properly rank players based on their contribution to their team in Skirmish. First we need to understand what...
  6. DarthKiller

    Suggestion General Bannerlord Custom Weapon Melee Damage

    Hello fellow modders and hopefully developers, Currently I am sitting on basically learning every aspect of modding in Bannerlord. I have already gotten into creating items, textures, meshes, cloth-sim properties, team-colours, weights and even creating custom item crafting templates/pieces...
  7. Agroplode

    Perks for ignoring enemy armor and stacking them.

    I tried to test them but I have no real scientific results and today I can't even load the saves. ? Can Vandal stack with other skills, its says attacks but does not specify Two Handed Attacks or Melee Attacks or Ranged Attacks. Two Handed - Vandal 225 Your attacks ignore 25% of enemy's armor...
  8. How to lower horse charge damage?

    I'm playing with realistic combat module, but now every army, no matter how huge and powerful, gets just flattened by Khuzaits on their tiny horses just driving straight into it. I need to lower the charge dmg because it's getting less and less funny each time it happens. Guess the main problem...
  9. MP Damage from falling off a horse

    This should be implemented for balance. The faster the horse, the more damage you get falling to the ground, both in SP and MP.
  10. How does Armor works? Are there different types of damage depending the weapon? And does Armor has defense types?

    Hi all, sorry for the long title. As the tittle says: How does Armor works? Does it blocks a % of damage received? Or how exactly this maths work. Are there different types of damage? Pierce/Crush/Slash? And if there are, does Armor block specific damage type?
  11. WouLinX

    Stake Damage in the Arenas

    There is no stake damage in the arenas. For example, i'm driving a horse so fast but doesn't get any damage when i hit the wooden stakes. It's not logical. I hope you fix this. Because they put them over there for this.
  12. Roger678

    [e1.5.0] Crouch Lancing Dose no Damage

    Summary: I noticed in my e1.5.0 game that my crouch lance does no damage to fleeing mobs. When I hit an enemy in the back it bounces off like I hit a tree. How to Reproduce: Start a new game on e1.5.0. Get a Vlandia Lance. Try to crouch lance fleeing enemies on the right side of the horse. No...
  13. Ingolifs

    SP - General Armour. Why it doesn't work and how to make it work

    Why Armour doesn't work So I was inspired to make this post by two things. First, this video: And second: After being hit by a stone while wearing high quality armour Basically, armour seems to have bugger all effect in the game, and I went and investigated why. Behind the spoiler is the...
  14. Holy Shift

    SP - Player, NPCs & Troops Basher Perk Doesnt Match Deflect Perk with Formation Bonus

    Their personal effects are equal. But formation bonus of Deflect gives %2 attack speed and %4 damage approximately (with my weak calculation) to one handed weapons in all stuations. Basher formation bonus gives -%4 malee damage taken only in shield wall which is currently next to useless and...
  15. hsngrms

    SP Native Less Damage - Reduced Damage Taken and Output

    Less Damage mod reduces the damage taken for everyone. Including all humans (player, wanderer, lord, troop, bandit etc.) Why you should use this mod? * If your level is high enough you can one shot enemies with most weapons, this mod brings balance to that. * Enjoying longer, more realistic and...
  16. MightyMidgit

    [Beta e1.4.0] Projectiles now dealing ridiculous damage.

    Summary: Damage calculations for projectiles in the game has changed, making them deal ridiculous damage. Note that my throwing skill in the image below is 23 and that the javelins are only tier 2. Also with good armor I was dealt 83 damage by a javelin in the arm while backpedaling. This damage...
  17. Mardochaios

    Weapons System and Physics

    Anyone around here got any idea how the damage calculation is done in Bannerlord? There aren't many resources out there in reference to the weapons system and I saw some things about weight/weight location and physics playing a larger part in combat, but I can't say for sure. The weapons...
  18. GG Cannon

    Weapons hit boxes shouldn't exist only when you attack.

    This is a feedback for both single and multiplayer modes. Just as the title implies, weapons hit boxes, specially lances shouldn't exist only when you attack. This might be an exaggeration for swords and axes, as leaving their hit boxes always on at all times might cause infantry troops to kill...
  19. Ackdam

    SP - General Weather Effects Expanded

    Credit for the initial idea goes to Wolf25 from his suggestion that can be found HERE. Note: This got a lot longer, and more detailed than I had originally intended. It also spawned a post on Wolf25's fire arrows suggestion (post can be found HERE via the link in the 'rain' section) and a...
  20. Holy Shift

    SP - Battles & Sieges Hit Shield on Back

    Text not existing but my question is why it doesnt absorb all the damage?
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