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  1. Enable/Disable death in battles

    Today I played after a hiatus of several months. First battle: my smith dies ... WTF?

    I didn't even know that this is a thing now. Dead of old age I knew from some NPC lords, that's okay, there are births, too. But suddenly introducing death in battle, despite the fact that I disabled companion death, is absolute BS. I stopped playing and will wait until this is fixed.

    Also: the companion had quite expensive armour and weapons ... are all gone. That’s not very realistic. He would have gotten a nice funeral and somebody in my clan would have inherited the stuff.

    So, I second the suggestion to make death in battle a game rule that can be toggled on/off. And if it's on, the probabilities must be tweaked, too, from all what I read so far.
  2. SP - General Sea travel

    Unfortunately I did not find an option to upvote this suggestion. Please tell me if there is one!
    So I just upvote this!

    @Niomedes: Naval Combat on the other hand I also find very cool, but realistically this is out of scope, don't you think? At least with moving ships ... a still map with two ships already engaged in a boarding fight ... hm, might be doable. We would just have a problem with people falling into the water. I don't know how to handle this, without bigger changes. Also think of this: I a knight in full armor falls into the sea ... he's just dead!
    Please elaborate your suggestion!
  3. SP - Quests Kidnapped Daughter

    I agree. Quests should only be fallible (?) if there is only one desirable goal.
    In any other case a quest is just a plot hook. After all the quest could also have the name "Help lovers in need". You make your decision and live with the consequences, but the quest itself is completed. Also I think that - from a gamistic standpoint - the rewards should be balanced somehow, i.e. one gets e.g. Generosity or Mercy instead of money, like you suggested.
  4. SP - Quests New Generic Quest: Rigging Tournament Bets

    Quest giver: Gang leader. Prerequisites: There is a tournament in town, and the you are in the top 20 of the leaderboard. The quest: A gang leader offers you a big monetary compensation, if you lose the fight in tier IV. Possible outcomes: You lose in tier I to III: Gang leader is...
  5. SP - Quests Tournament quests

    ...flags billowing in the wind from the towers...
    ...lords inviting you to challenge them in a tournament...
    Hm, I like your ideas!
    I'm not sure what the frequency of tournaments is right now. But in my current play it seems to be very high, like 1 in 3 towns I visit has no tournament going! Might be a statistical outlier, though.
    What I want to say is, that your suggestion makes especially sense if tournaments are reasonably limited. In Warband it was more rare to accidentially come into a town with a tournament.
  6. SP - Battles & Sieges More Immersive Practice Fights

    I have a problem with the Practice Fights in Bannerlord (and Warband). They do not feel right, because their unfair rules would most probably never exist in reality. The Practice Fight Setup Itself The last man standing gets 250$, but the fighters are entering the arena man by man … that’s...
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