SP - Quests New Generic Quest: Rigging Tournament Bets

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Quest giver: Gang leader.

Prerequisites: There is a tournament in town, and the you are in the top 20 of the leaderboard.

The quest: A gang leader offers you a big monetary compensation, if you lose the fight in tier IV.

Possible outcomes:
  • You lose in tier I to III: Gang leader is disappointed, but holds no grudge against you. After all, s**t happens. You get no money. Neutral outcome.
  • You win in tier IV: Gang leader lost a lot of money (maybe loses influence) and is very angry. Relation with this leader drops significantly, and of course you get no money.
  • You lose in tier IV as expected: Gang leader is very pleased (relation increases), has made a nice sum of money (influence gain), and pays you a sum that really overcompensates for the defeat. But: there is a small risk (like 5-10%) that this deal becomes public! In this case the PC loses honor and/or gains crime points.
The compensation paid by the gang leader might level with your position in the leaderboard, or just your won prizes ("beyond" 1st place). The odds become increasingly disbalanced with your tournament reputation (especially if you are already 1st place) and therefore the win from bets against the PC should rise with it. The sum should be capped, though.
That sounds fun. I like the reputation gain/loss with the gang.
I'd also like to see the ability to bet on colors when simply watching the tournament. Increased compensation for increased risk!
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