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  1. LntStm


    :lol: sorry, i can't help myself. I just cannot understand how "patriotic" or "serving my country" can be done in iraq, bangladesh or north pole.  :lol: ( except just leeching all their oil reserves )  :wink:
  2. LntStm

    Oletko ostanut pelin?

    Mielenkiintoista tosiaan. Kun pöllisi jonkun kotoa telkkarin ja tulisi vielä pihalle juttelemaan, että on muuten paska teksti-tv tossa sun töllössä. :roll:
  3. LntStm


    Laatikosta löytyy eriävä sarja syömäkaluja, kai sitä niilläkin saa nirrin lähtemään. Pari erisuuriusta moraa on tallella. Sittemmin alkaa käydä hieman varikko heikoksi. Hmm, kymppimetrisellä cattikaapelilla saa varmaan vedettyä jonkun kiikkuun.  :???:
  4. LntStm

    Pienet kysymykset

    Tahtoo vaan väkisinkin näyttää siltä, että on tämä koko topic täysin turha. Mikäli täällä foorumilla kaikki keskittyvät vain enemmän avautumaan muille kun vastaamaan heidän kysymyksiinsä.

    Kyllähän se varmaan tuntuu huvittavalta, kun kelan tädiltäkin menisi kysymään "pientä" kysymystä. Miten tämä kohta tässä lapussa täytetään?
    ja täti alkaa esitelmöidä aivojen toiminnasta.  :wink:
  5. LntStm

    Should there be more females on the battlefield? Vote please.

    Hmm, Catherine II of russia did expand his realm.

    And must be rather dominant woman to controll russia.
  6. LntStm

    Should there be Children on the Battlefield?

    Naa, women warriors and killing women in battlefield isn't so barbaric. But if there would be chirldren in the field who would be murdered.

    I think the gamedevelopement would have mutch harder time, as the authorities in different countries would not accept it. The game would get K18 rating with killing children, so i can't figure out why children would fit in. ( althou killing children REALLY is REALISTIC history, as are looting and raping too )
  7. LntStm

    Should there be more females on the battlefield? Vote please.

    Tankai said:
    Again, it doesn't change the fact that the game is set in the medieval era.

    Yup, i know that womens were suppressed heavily under medieval times. ( what comes to warfare )

    But there were numerous leaders who was women. As for example Joan of Arc, Brunhilde, Eleanor of Aquitaine, Elizabeth I of england and Queen Isabella of Spain ect. ect.

    If the womens can't have anymore notable, atleast there should be some as leaders.
  8. LntStm

    Battles Already In Progress

    I agree, the battle should be raging when the reinforcements arrives. It's pretty odd that the battle is ceased when one party gets reinforcements.  It's ordinary that the battles may be in multiple parts, as the sides gets some rest and can collect their wounded from the field.
  9. LntStm

    Should there be more females on the battlefield? Vote please.

    hmm, if i got correctly the nords are presumably the vikings?

    Nords can't really mean the warriors in skandinavia in 13th century. If the wikipedia is correct, the remains of viking style life was collapsed in 12th century. When crishtianity was spread to skandinavia.

    So if i had it right, m&b is somehow inaccurate with history. So there is possibility to add more female fighters to game, and the topic just could not be turned away with "historical" minimality of women fighters.

  10. LntStm

    Should there be more females on the battlefield? Vote please.

    I tried to find out something about this topic too.

    I have played the total war game series. They have really tight way to use historical material in their games. And i have to mention the barbarian invasion expansion.

    Sarmatians are playable in that version, and they do have HALF of the troops of women. First i thought that the information is incorrect but it is in the game.
    As they really were war loving civilization.

    My point is that there really were women warriors in history, but the amount is minimal thou. There is mutch information about women warriors, if anybody only uses google.

    But i would like more female warriors in game.

    As i fully agree with Zathan.
  11. LntStm

    Difficulty rating = ## %?

    Varmaan toimii vaan näissä yksinpeleissä tuo hidastuminen, mutta eikö M&B:ssä voinut suoraan valita taistelun temmon.
  12. LntStm

    Rise&fall:Civilzations at war kysymys

    Kyllä varmaan pitäis löytyä verkkokauppojen listoilta, ellei oo sitten jo vedetty vanhaa kunnon xp:tä pois markkinoilta.
  13. LntStm

    Difficulty rating = ## %?

    No eikai se 1000 mikään mahdottomuus ole, itse en vain tykkää hirveästi nuista diaesityksistä.
  14. LntStm

    Oletko ostanut pelin?

    Vaegirarcher said:
    Sound Chaser said:
    Mistä ja miksi?

    Sitä sietää miettiä.
  15. LntStm

    Oletko ostanut pelin?

    Peli on tullut hankittua, vaikka olen "opiskelija" niin pyrin tukemaan pelinkehittäjiä jotka mielestäni onnistuvat hyviä pelejä luomaan. ( kuten M&B:n tilanteessa ) :smile:
  16. LntStm

    Pienet kysymykset

    Se vaan kummasti muuttaa tuota AI:n toimintaa kun vääntää sen täysille, samalla kun laittaa itseensä ja omiin kohdistuvat damaget täysille niin ei ole turhan helppoa pelailla. Meinaan osaa jo vastustajatkin hyödyntää couched damagee kun AI käännetty kaakkoon.
  17. LntStm

    Buy slaves!

    Now there isn't mutch to have prisoners. They are only worth of 20 denars. There could be something meaningfull to have prisoners. Now the price isn't worthy for nord warrior or vaegir knight.
  18. LntStm

    Really Annoying Problem(S) (Great Game)

    It's a hard time to escape, when the enemy party is still next to you. Expecially when foe is kherkik khagnate they often have so fast parties that it's not easy to run from them. Althou even that you are overnumbered it's wise to try earn the "leave" option when they have hacked down all of your mens. It have saved me quite alot.
  19. LntStm

    A Death Option Proposal

    Hope the dying comes to native too it's rather boring to hack down other partyleaders when they cannot die either.
  20. LntStm

    Ability to build your own base

    It would be great if the villages and towns could be destroyed, and then the possibility to build up new towns and villages.
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