Recent content by Mrwaffle

  1. Resolved Makeb NPC bug

    All merchants are bugged in one place in the city MAKEB
  2. Resolved Bug conversation when meeting Tovir

    When meeting Tovir the first time he says something weird. I can answer after and it won't happen again. But it's a weird way of introducing himself :D print screen below
  3. Modding Inspiration Thread (Brainstorm with me)

    Native already got 100+ looter armies :grin:
    i mean like anno 1251 or something from warband, when you fought against bandits, sometimes it was randomized that they would ambush you; so instead of charging to one another, the bandits would come out of every corner of the forest.
  4. Modding Inspiration Thread (Brainstorm with me)

    Being ambushed by armies or bandits !
  5. Major fps drops in siege

    Change your audiochannel to low in the settings.
    i'll try that
  6. Major fps drops in siege

    Ok so I just changed it from "Borderless Fullscreen" to "Fullscreen" and sieges are A LOT smoother for me. I only tested this on a custom siege though.
    Custom sieges i seem to have no problems eighter.
  7. Major fps drops in siege

    I'm glad its not just me. I recently got a new PC and I really hope its not the video card, can someone confirm that indeed my video card is ok to handle 500 battle size during siege?

    Ryzen 5 3600
    16 GB ram
    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
    i have a 1050 ti 2GB and after a while the fps stabilises, so i'm pretty sure your graphics is not the problem. I even run normal battlefields on the field smoothly.
  8. Major fps drops in siege

    Same problem. FPS goes back to normal after a while
    yea for me too, but still chunky sometimes

    To start off: Thank you for this wonderful game, i love it so far 30-ish hours into it. Knowing that I've destroyed warband with a 1000+ hours, I dig this kind of game. I've waited 8 years for Bannerlord and not to mention i'm not dissapointed, but to be honest I'm also not super pleased. It's...
  10. Crafting Guide (Smithy)

    Damn! and my favored weapon is exactly the Two Handed Axe!

    What about making money with crafting? Is this a viable solution?
    Don't really think that's the point. More like making good gear for your companions. But who knows Tier 5 sword or axe could maybe sell for 1000 denars a piece, but at what cost ofc.
  11. "Give it some time, it's early access!!!" - The Meme.

    early acces means we're part of the bug generation, report everybug, and by the time they go beta we the early acces nerds will have hopefully helped them fix the game.
  12. Major fps drops in siege

    All looks fine till you reach the walls and everybody climbs ladders or rush through gates and inflicts with enemy, getting like 10 fps, really stuttering. However multiplayer siege is fine, i get 60 fps. Any one else got this problem? gtx 1050 ti 2GB amd ryzen 5, 1600 2x8 gb ram ddr
  13. [BUGS] - A place to report bugs to prevent duplicate posts

    After 20 minutes of playing, during the first quest in the tutorial, when attacking the bandits camp with my brother and the headvillage troops, I failed while fighting the enemy chief in a duel.
    So I was knocked down and the quest told me to try again the camp assault. Instead of that I talked to my brother in the party report, and the dialog that popped out was him telling me about a chest he found after sacking the camp and blah blah.
    So the game was behaving in this dialog like if I would have been successful in the camp assault, when I actually wasn't.
    Appearently i have a brother too in the game. I didn't spawn with him i think? did i have to recruit him to my army?
  14. Need More Info FPS drops/stutters (Possible memory leak)

    i have gtx 1050 ti 2Gb, amd ryzen 5, 16 gb ram; no problem whatso ever.. maybe because you're playing on a laptop
  15. Crafting Guide (Smithy)

    It seems the Two handed Axe crafting is bugged completely!

    When I smelt an axe, the pieces don't appear on my list!!! Can we report bugs? Do they look on this???

    I'm quite disappointed! I mean, don't they test the game before? This is really basics.
    Yea i notice they put more focus on different things, but yeah singleplayer was the reason they worked so long. They'll probably put out quite a few hotfixes for the coming weeks as people find bugs. I'll see if this can be reported.
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