Recent content by IronWill

  1. The cost of peace increase is nuts

    It feels like even factions I'm beating the hell out of want 600k+ for peace. After a grueling campaign against the Khuzarit, I've got 10k more power, fairly even casualties, way more prisoners and successful sieges, and they're ahead on raids - but it'll still cost me nearly every coin I've got to end a war that by all rights they should be thrilled to be done with.
  2. Are there any mods that remove female lords?

    The sources imply men fought almost exclusively across history, that is a fact. None of this above paragraph has any coherence in it.
    Okay, so when you say, "almost exclusively men"- you realize that also means "some of them weren't men", how is it this hard to grasp the difference between "some" and "none"?
  3. Are there any mods that remove female lords?

    How about Tactitus, or The Anglo Saxon Chronicle, Cassisu Dio, William of Tyre? How about a good book on the history of the crusades? How about a study on the customs of North American Indians. You want to take a guess at how many plains Indians or Eastern Woodland Indians had a tradition of allowing females in war parties? You ready.... 0% none.....

    This generation is fully indoctrinated with egalitarian propaganda it is almost useless to debate you all. 99% of fighters were male in recorded history in 99% of all cultures.
    Ah, you finally give the magic number of 99%! But fail to explain how any of your sources support it, or even reference what's in them beyond listing names. I'm in fact not a historian - and you have shown no indication you are either. That means, for me at least, I don't have the expertise to properly take in primary sources. Imagine a random person from the future trying to read Harry Potter and the conclusions you could draw, even knowing it's fiction or unreliable, with only uncertain and incomplete knowledge of the society that produced it.

    You're placing your own ability over that of actual historians, who dedicate immeasurable time and effort to sorting this out, and I have no reason to find your - or my own - uniformed opinion to be more credible.
  4. Are there any mods that remove female lords?

    The source material is not that hard to find.
    How about you cite.... anything? C'mon, give me that magic ratio that you think is the exact historical gender balance and back it up with something.
  5. Are there any mods that remove female lords?

    I just love how the source material is Wikipedia. Seriously, do you all ever read at all?
    Presumably because you love following the blue footnotes to the other sources wikipedia cites, going to your local library during lockdown, checking them out, scanning and uploading pictures of the specific pages in half an hour to argue on the internet.
  6. Are there any mods that remove female lords?


    Here's the story:

    Pierced by seven arrows, but still fighting, she sought with Sweyn to open a passage towards the mountains, when they were overwhelmed by their enemies. This is pure fiction....

    Historians are skeptical of Florine’s existence for several reasons, let's go ahead and assume she was real without any primary Burgundian sources. Sounds like history to me.
    You may be shocked to find that the medieval period had less than stellar record keeping, and very much likes exaggerated tales. That page cites a book by an author who, with a cursory google search, holds a PhD and specialized in the history of the crusades. If you're trying to make the point 'boy history sure is hard sometimes' I'm entirely with you, but I'd say it's on you to find your own source opposing rather than just going 'lol sounds fake'
  7. Are there any mods that remove female lords?

    Did you even read this?
    Half of them is like "1090: Norman woman Isabel of Conches rides on horseback, armed "
    Okay, so, the other half? I'm certainly not arguing it was common or the norm. I don't think my stance is particularly subjective - for me, the facts that:
    1) Bannerlord wants to be close to history
    2) There were men and women military leaders in history
    3) Bannerlord has men and women as military leaders good enough for me. If you would prefer a different ratio than the game, by all means! Dig through the uncertain sources and contradictory accounts of the middle ages and show evidence for the number you want in the name of historical accuracy! I don't feel like nitpicking the ratio is particularly helpful though,or that it hurts the games overall historic feel.
  8. Are there any mods that remove female lords?

    2 LOL, in all the wars, and there's no evidence that Matilda of Tuscany ever led a vanguard into battle. Nor were there female crusading knights....
    Florine of Burgundy was a french crusader who died in combat. Seriously, why do I have to be the reference encyclopedia?
  9. Are there any mods that remove female lords?

    There was 400 years between them...

    Yeah, I'm not a reference encyclopedia or google, those were the two easy ones off the top of my head. What's the argument? If you want a longer list, you can go look at wikipedia yourself, . But what, we're arguing over... ratio? That just seems petty. They're in the game and history, there's more male military leaders in the game and history, what's the problem?
  10. Are there any mods that remove female lords?

    His view of history is just plain wrong: you care to elaborate on this? I'd love to know what history you have been studying. What culture on earth has a tradition of female warriors? North America Indians? European? Islam?
    You picked the word 'tradition' very carefully there. Nobody is arguing that traditionally and primarily men filled this role, and the game also- mostly uses men for this. However, there's a great deal of examples of specific cases of women taking up arms and leading armies in this period. Joan of Arc, Matilda of Tuscany, you can find plenty of examples.
  11. Are there any mods that remove female lords?

    I still cant understand why anybody care about how some random dude plays the game

    The game already has female lords, if the guy wants to remove them with a mod, it's not your concern. If the guy wanted a mod with all green people, blue people, white people, black people, maybe all midgets, so what? But I think you probably are only offended by the "All men" or "All white" in these examples. Damn, I want a mod with people wearing only spandex and I want it now, please?

    OP can play the game however they want, and I have no issue with it. Seriously, go play all dudes! I don't mind! You don't have to justify it! But OP did try and justify why, in a way that's just flat out wrong and yeah, sexist when they claim to care so much about historical accuracy but can't be bothered to google 'female medieval warrior' before declaring their existence fantastical nonsense.
  12. Are there any mods that remove female lords?

    Good news! "Our medieval history" had female nobility and warriors in it, so it's a non issue. Not nearly as many, but it's not really even in the game either. This is hardly an off the wall fantasy element. Seriously it's stupid easy to find examples of this for anyone even remotely interested in actual history, so I kind of have to assume this isn't an argument being made in good faith and just someone looking to be rude and start a fight.
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