Askalanthian Confederation

Mount and Blade Warband and Bannerlord regiment, we play nw and a lot of other mods

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Clan Lore by The_Fearless_Hussar

The world of Gaia, a land of four continents and a hundred nations is once more in peril. In the central continent of Ashal the second War of the Blood Dawn has commenced, pitting old enemies in a momentous struggle for power and ideology. The cracks to the forever unstable peace of Gaia have finally burst under the weight of the pressure and once more, a thousand years after the first Blood Dawn, it seems that the world will embrace its ever-lasting nature of chaos and death. Those who are left will dictate the terms of a new world but when the stakes rise so high who can remain standing?

So, in this strife the three main factions of Ashal strive for dominance in a conflict that will soon expand to the entire world.
The believers of peace, the Blue Dawn, with under the Church of Irwindeh attempt once more to unite the scrambled inhuman nations of the orcs, dwarves and elves under the overall command of the King of the Great Elven Kingdom of Galwen to support the protectors of magic and return the world into a peaceful slumber of their own making, one in which Gaia tears itself slowly apart again.
Opposing them the guardians of truth, the Black Dawn with their faith in the Black Angels, make their stand against another reign of the peace of lies under the tyranny of magic. They rally many human nations behind them and fight to cleanse the world by exterminating the magic in which it is engulfed and its supporters so that the current world may be ended and then rebuilt anew in the right path of a murderous truth.

Then amidst the great forces seeking to annihilate each other the Silver Dawn, the protectors of prosperity struggle to balance between the two sides hellbent on ending or maintaining the world. Their numbers are small at start but all human nations that didn’t declare for the ‘Inhuman League’ or the ‘Blackguardian Horde’ will inevitably join the Holy Order of Rolf in a fight to bring about a questionable stability. One in which the other two sides are both punished and appeased so that the world can once more progress for a select few on a basis of a crumbling ruin that is bound to see the world engulfed in another Blood Dawn later.
All sides fight with faith in their causes of peace, truth and prosperity while at the same time being led via the brutality of war towards trampling these very ideals, they began the war for. Many nations in every faction will influence the course of the war and at the same time the way their faith is ‘pronounced’ and executed, whether that has to do with how extreme the expression of their beliefs will be or how the dominance of their faith will be achieved.
Millions will die in momentous battles in both land, sea and air for a cause for exceeding their own individuality. Magic will tear the earth and monstrous weapons of destruction will shake the land so that final victory may be achieved. Black powder will be spread in the air from weapons of many different machinations from muzzle to breech loaders, from lever to bolt action repeaters while aircraft, flying monsters, Pegasus, and dragons will dance in the horizon. On the cold seas wooden ships will meet the end of their days in the face of iron beasts and fire breathing cannons.

The battles will be fought from the lands of the Empire of Aschend, to the mountains of the Dwarven Confederacy and the Orcish Tribal grounds and from there west to the Elven Kingdoms and the lands torn between free rule and absolutism, Stetia, Caldia and Aien. They will all bring along allies and foreign mercenaries from as south as the Ganxi-Zen Commonwealth and as far as the eastern coasts of the Ayassid Sultanate and possibly even from lands to the west of the islands of the Sea of Thieves, lands still unknown and unclaimed.
Among the nations in this great struggle of dominance there is the newborn nation of Askalanth. The Askalanthian Confederation as it is officially known was a nation under chains for a thousand years ever since the first Blood Dawn. It was once occupied by the elves then by bloody Easterners from the Kaituk Emirate only to be conquer by the once king of Caldia now king of Laurentia and then reborn from the fires of revolution. The Askalanthians were the first human supporters of the Black Dawn and believers in a sect of the faith of Black Angels, the so-called Grey Angels. When the Black Guard was expelled from the continent of Ashal as a result of the first Blood Dawn they were their sole supporters to stay behind on Ashal. And even though they were for so long subjected into countless ruthless foreign conquerors they never lost their culture or their faith. In the year 998 after the first Blood Dawn with the help of the Satherians and exploiting the confusion in Caldia because of the civil war there between Laurentia and Satheria, they managed to break free from their chains. And now they march on the bloody field of Ashal alongside their brothers in arms from the Black Guard and Hussarlia to achieve the great triumph of truth and under the Lord Commander of the Black Guard, Hussar, end the current world and once more rebuild it anew!

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