In Progress Scene Editor Scene editor v1.2.7 can't save interior scenes, tools crash.

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Summary: Modding tools crash douring saving some scenes since v1.2.7.
How to Reproduce
: Save changes in some scenes in mooding tools editor., for now I confirmed it for:
- taverns
- keeps
Specific Tool: Scene Editor
Media (Screenshots & Video): I feel no need for photos, just a simple crush "*_* The aplication faced a problem. (...)"
Computer Specs: happens for different people, so differnet specs.
You can try it on vanilla interiors or on scenes from my mods:
Taverns Extanded
Battania Keep
This ones I checked and they don't work:
  • Modules\SandBox\SceneObj/battania_town_house_b_interior_b_tavern
  • Modules\SandBox\SceneObj/empire_castle_keep_a_l2_interior
  • Modules\Taverns_Extended\SceneObj/Tavern_Snorri_sturgia_a_lvl_3
  • Modules\KeepBattania_FullDiverse\SceneObj/battania_Snorri_HugeBorch_keep_a_interior

    Problem didn't occour for me on arena scenes, dungeon scenes and WIP castle scene.

Problem block all work for many sceners. You can check bl-scenes tab in your modding discord
Last edited:
Summary: Modding tools crash douring saving a interrior scenes since v1.2.7.
How to Reproduce
: Save changes in interior scenes such as taverns and keeps in mooding tools editor.
Specific Tool: Scene Editor
Media (Screenshots & Video): I will throw here crash window latter.
Computer Specs: happens for different people, so differnet specs.
You can try it on vanilla interiors or on scenes from my mods:
Taverns Extanded
Battania Keep
This ones I checked and they don't work:
  • Modules\SandBox\SceneObj/battania_town_house_b_interior_b_tavern
  • Modules\Taverns_Extended\SceneObj/Tavern_Snorri_sturgia_a_lvl_3
  • Modules\KeepBattania_FullDiverse\SceneObj/battania_Snorri_HugeBorch_keep_a_interior

    Problem didn't occour for me on arena scenes and WIP castle scene.

Problem block all work for many sceners. You can check bl-scenes tab in your modding discord
Same for me. I am the Dev off the Overhaul mod Realms Forgotten. I have high level computer specs and graphic card. Editing an interior scene but also another custom village scene leads to crash or infinite saving, what make most of my previous work impossible to edit. Due to some texture bugs, i need to resave those scenes but the new tool makes it useless.
The issue you have reported has been forwarded to our QA team for further investigation. We might need additional information regarding this issue, such as screenshots or videos, save files or dump reports. Thanks for reporting and sorry for any inconvenience!
such as screenshots or videos - I launch modding tools, go to editor, open scene like this mentioned before, click "edit", "save as", write a file name and chose where it should save, saving bar apears, (betewn few seconds and few minutes) game crash "*_* The aplication faced a problem. (...)".

Save files - There are alredy in your sandbox files, like I mentioned.

Dump reports - idk where they are for modding tools
Keep scenes are crashing on save now in both the 1.2.7 and 1.2.8 mod tools, effectively halting all progress. Reverting back to the 1.1.6 mod tools is ineffective also as keep scenes edited in 1.2.x will not even open in 1.1.6. Please fix
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