Beta Patch Notes e1.4.2

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Honestly, if they'd just fix the trade perks that were broken like two months ago, and had some economy improvements, I'd be content to do a playthrough as a trader.
Honestly bro, better install Community Patch with almost all perks already implemented as we all did and stop counting on them. They have prepared autosave slot for you :wink:
This is just baffling. I hope they are completely redoing this feature, it's been a long time for such an easy code to fix.

chances are they are re-doing the trade perks, since they have been re-doing all the rest of them. It's my understanding that everything that hasn't already been re-worked was just a placeholder.
This is really, really sad. It looks like I jumped ship at the exact right time (3 weeks before 1.4.2) as progress was going at a steady clip, and then just dropped like a rock.

I played like a madman, as it was my first experience with a Mount and Blade game. I loved it; I still love it. But I absolutely refuse to burn myself out waiting for patches that seem to never come, and become too tired and jaded with the game to enjoy it a year from now when the features are actually implimented. I'd rather put the game on indefinite hiatus and play other games, than struggle with a halfass version of a great game in the making.

That said, I would have liked to explore the game a bit more after taking a semi-long break from it (i.e. today) but it seems the game still hasn't been updated. Unreality.
I have no idea what is going on at TW, but I'm giving up on them to make this game good. Honestly at this point, I hope we just mod tools so the community can fix this game.
Honestly, if they'd just fix the trade perks that were broken like two months ago, and had some economy improvements, I'd be content to do a playthrough as a trader.
It is still doable, I play a trader frequently and can still do it just requires a lot more effort to do it, however I noticed today the lvl 25 trade perk in tech support changed to in progress status so I am hoping it will be in the next big patch
This is really, really sad. It looks like I jumped ship at the exact right time (3 weeks before 1.4.2) as progress was going at a steady clip, and then just dropped like a rock.

I played like a madman, as it was my first experience with a Mount and Blade game. I loved it; I still love it. But I absolutely refuse to burn myself out waiting for patches that seem to never come, and become too tired and jaded with the game to enjoy it a year from now when the features are actually implimented. I'd rather put the game on indefinite hiatus and play other games, than struggle with a halfass version of a great game in the making.

That said, I would have liked to explore the game a bit more after taking a semi-long break from it (i.e. today) but it seems the game still hasn't been updated. Unreality.
This is exactly my story. I think people at TW are really creative and have good ideas, but not the software engineering background (or capacity) required to implement those ideas.
There won´t be a patch this week and not in the next week. "Duh" said: "in the near future, don´t expect a larger patch than the last update!"

They´re just reworking the game code again. This game will be "final" in 3-4 years with no improvements, because they rework the code for the 1381th time, if they even do....

And you are aware of their Facebook teasers? They are just going for the money right now. If you haven´t bought the game you see good Steam reviews and think this game is´ll have fun for the first 5-10 hours, then you can´t refund. Then you jump into this forum and see this....

They don´t care about us who already paid the game or played Warband for 500+ hours. They just want to make money.

Imagine you don´t know the game, you see those 85+ good Steam reviews and those awesome 5 slot auto save announcemnet. That´s why they don´t speak to us. Just get in as much money as possible, that´s their goal. The game already sold very good, but they want more. That´s why they are don´t be honest in their Steam EA description.

If we are lucky, they release the mod tools in 9-12 months, so the modders can fix the game for free while TW earned a lot of money. That´s their plan!
Why Early Access?
“We intend to use a range of different methods to gather player feedback and data throughout the early access period. These include engaging with users directly on our official forum and our Steam forum, requesting specific feedback through questionnaires, hosting and participating in multiplayer events alongside our community, and using analytics tools to gather data.”


Who got a questionnaire? What event? What communication?

Please tell me! Did ANYONE ever receive one of those questionnaires? And this awesome communication on their forums and the Steam forums....

We are lucky, that "duh" and "mexxico" talk to us....they are devs. Callum only tells us PR bull****, if he speaks at all.

I will never buy a game again from TW.
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