Hello everyone, tell me how to survive these weekdays in anticipation of Bannerlord?

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Find some other games and really delve into them these next weeks, i know its hard, but its doable, some on my lists were/are Hearts of Iron 4 (new DLC) Crusader Kings 2 (gave up on that, too many DLC and would take atleast 3 months just to learn) Might and Magic 7: For Blood and Honor (M&M5-7 are some of the best games ever made in the genre, if you like old games, look them up on GOG) Battle Brothers (Mount and Blade if it was made simpler and turnbased)
Do something useful with your time; Work, studies, working out. To name a few examples. The impending release of a game shouldn't have people enter into bad habits prior to said games' release. Personally I have studies to do so I will focus on those.
Video games are, without exception, tacky toys aimed at children. Life assaults us with much more pressing matters such as thermonuclear war, impending viral epidemic, and anime ass. I suggest you stop caring about video games. I won't tell you how to do this, but I demand you do it nonetheless.
1)Trying new mods

2)For steam games: Running with Rifles, Streets of Rogue, and New Vegas are all great SP time wasters. Although, RWR is the "closest" to M&B in that action strategy niche I love. Top down shooter, really fun, addicting, and mods.

3)Uh.... watch violent barbarian flicks like Conan? Or just good movies in general. Hope this helps, the wait is killing me too :cry:
Well, I know this is nothing at all like M&B but I got it yesterday since it's currently at a very low price

I'm sure it will keep me plenty occupied in my free time until bannerlord comes, lot's of stuff to do in these weird yakusa games.

Oh and I'd also recommend this thing:

A lot of people compare it with M&B, I honestly don't see the similarity other than the fact that you recruit people and roam an open world, but regardless of that the game is fantastic.
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