[Werewolf] Werewolf High - Wolf Victory!

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Heheey.  First time ever playing werewolf and I'm already getting voted on. I feel like I'm really being accepted as part of this. :razz:

......... The avatar might get worse before it gets better.
Teofish said:
Heheey.  First time ever playing werewolf and I'm already getting voted on. I feel like I'm really being accepted as part of this. :razz:
That's nothing. We have a proud tradition of picking on the new guy and lynching him quickly on this forum. The only problem in this game is which newbie to choose.  :iamamoron:
King Bowser said:
Vote: Bodrax[/b]
Thanks for clearing this up for me. If you could tell me if Rocket is really your packmate, things will get much easier.

Untitled. said:
We'll lynch them all in due time.
Don't forget you're a newbie yourself.  :iamamoron:
I know not everyone here has played the game before, and I am not going to play the guessing game of who's who so you may or may not know this already, but voting without giving any reasons (especially after a player has shown the capability to write giant, green walls) is generally seen as a suspicious thing to do. I realize that making dupes is fun and all, but given this game is supposed to help new players, it would be beneficial to set a good precedent and play slightly more seriously.
Not that high. Sheep's reaction sounded "genuine" in the sense that it was strong enough in feeling to have been organically created. In other words, I can see it as an innocent not exactly knowing how to handle his play, but still finding it suspicious, or a wolf knowing how to manipulate an innocent's words to make them come off as more suspicious than they actually are - I do not see it as a wolf forcing themselves to go after a packmate. If Bowser is a wolf, I do not think his packmates would add fuel to the fire this early.
Orgasmo said:
Rocketsheep said:
The whole post is just a big, green and ugly piece of an excuse to place a vote. He is just moving his mouth to create activity.
And is that necessarily wolfish? Do you think a wolf would intentionally be obnoxious and draw attention to themselves like that with seemingly no motivation behind it? Is there anything wrong with creating activity at the start of a game where activity tends to be artificially started one way or another?
You guys seem to jump to conclusions a lot, unlike me. Where did I even say that it was wolfish? Wolf or not, if you have nothing but clutter then it hurts the hunt.

And seriously, anyone with aesthetic sensibilities of a rat would get offended by that ugly text.
Ah_Zhou said:
Vote: King Bowser
Because he's an end boss. Every one knows that bowser always loses.

Correction, plunger-face: I'm the big bad that everyone wishes they could be, and I'm clearly the best there ever was!


Just look at these biceps! You wish you had the kind of brains and brawn I have!
Pay no attention to that mushroom-eating macaroni mouth, Xogbar or whatever his name is. He doesn't even chew the scenery when he villains! That's an integral part of the entire antagonistic process!

Ah_Zhou said:
Your brains and brawns didn't stop you from falling into lava all the time.

I'm cold-blooded. I bathe in lava for... warmth! Yeah, that's it!  :twisted:

Why do these scrawny weaklings think they can mock me, king of all the koopas!? Don't they know who I am?! Don't they know it hurts my feelings!?!  :cry:
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