[BoP: Serva] Main Thread (Year: 198 Month 1) Rest in pasta

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Fair enough. Regardless, Lukkastor promises to uphold our guarantees of protection from IVX reprisal. You have our full military support until this matter is resolved.
In line with this recent wave of flag........waving. We of the freeport of Hornigold Station and the free mercenary army of the CSF (Cauthon Security Forces) also called "The Browncoats" will unfurl our own colours.


(Cheers for the help Arc!)
Pixel said:
Royale Party Palace
New Nassau's Hornigold Station was host to an elaborate party this month. In light of recent epidemics, the theme of the party was elaborately decorated gas masks. The party was invite only and many representatives arrived from major powers in the region to show their wealth and glamor. Rho Aquilae, ECTV, and New Sol were the main colonies/corps to attend. ATOS tried to get into the party but was not invited (in fact, no one was sure how they even knew about the party) so the bouncers kicked out ATOS' representative. A bad hit for ATOS' PR department.
The party's climax was on the second day of the event, where cagefights between the most athletic members of the local military were held, and partygoers placed bets on the tournament. As peoples' judgement was, er, inhibited, most people lost every bet, generating some revenue for the party's hosts.
Warlord Partylord
Okay ladies and gents, cards are out. Well, they have been for like 12 hours at this point and most of you already knew that, but yeah. As of now, turn 11 has officially begun. Here's to another 10!

The reason I waited so long to announce it is because there are a few things to talk about. Firstly, you will notice that the map both in the OP and the tool has been updated, reflecting the newly discovered star systems mentioned in the global. Secondly, you will notice that the OP has been updated as per the result of the referendum. Like many referendums it may not have been the best idea but hey. Thanks to Arch3r for helping re-organize the OP in a way that is subjectively neater and easier to read. The marketplace has also been updated, and there are new mercenaries up for hire.

Thirdly, there has been a pretty large update to the game as a whole, you can think of it almost like an expansion to a video game. Some of you have seen this before. I considered doing this in the very beginning but only how have things become viable, both out of character in terms of mechanics and in-character in terms of Pel's Aurora emerging economy (that for a long time has been nearly non-existent), for something like this to happen.

In the third post at the bottom you will see that the usual trade posts (The common market, the Acteon trade post, and the Selena trade post) have been joined by a few colonies.

These colonies, so long as they have an orbital foundry, will generate formal and informal jobs that any player can do to earn some cash. The number of jobs is generated based on a set of modifiers and stuff for each colony. You will notice that wealthy worlds set along trade routes, such as Rho Aquilae or New Nassau, will generate more work than wartorn backwaters like Kalonda or Hiza. The jobs represent small businesses and entities like that outsourcing their transportation, perhaps not being able to afford bulk transport aboard a mega-conglomerates mass conveyor. Because of this, the wealthiest worlds in the region, the mega-corp HQs, do not generate jobs because people generally have enough money to seek out more reliable means of transportation.

Now there are a couple things to keep in mind: not all of this business is legitimate. There is a chance that the job you are doing is a cover for a smuggling job or something, and if you get caught then that's bad. There is also a chance of someone that you're taking aboard your ship being a wanted fugitive fleeing from the law. The pay is also negotiable: if you want to negotiate pay you can talk to me about a job and depending on your shrewd negotiation tactics and a lucky die roll (and perhaps also your character background, warlords and deputies) you may be successful in increasing the payout by 1 fund per unit (roll 10+) or 2 funds per unit (20). If you detect that what you're about to do is smuggling contraband or fugitives, you can also catch on to it and negotiate for up to 5x the base pay... or you can turn the fugitives in to the Domain and see if the bounty is worth more. Basically, any job can lead to unexpected plot lines and opportunities.

Eventually, through multiple successful jobs the Domain may issue you a 'Reputable Carrier' badge which will increase how many jobs you see, how high they pay, and how easy it is to negotiate for better pay. Similarly, failed jobs (for any reason) can have the opposite effect.

The specific goods used in the freight jobs by the way are not produced, they just represent various trade goods and are only used for the jobs. Killing mass conveyors will 'drop' random sets of these trade goods however.

It is my hope that this mechanic will help warlord and colony players have a steady source of income while also giving everyone something to do other than raid, pillage, and burn **** constantly.

One last thing. You will note that starship weapons and barbettes are now built in batches of 2.
Everyone is welcome to undertake the freight jobs to or from Rho Aquilae, of course. We will personally not be undertaking the missions, so all of the ones stemming out from Rho Aquilae are open for everyone else that require the funds.
I'm glad that you brought more friends into this war, because it seems as though two megacorp fleets and a bunch of children weren't enough to take down Regotha. Maybe now we will have a challenge, after I utterly annihilate two treacherous colonies. Vengeance for the greatest commander will be achieved on the streets of Iota Zulu.
Phenomenal post, Pixel, exciting stuff. It seems like this BoP gets better and better and your initiative and ambition only goes up! Really proud of your progress and work thus far little buddy, keep at it. :grin:
Eternal said:
I'm glad that you brought more friends into this war, because it seems as though two megacorp fleets and a bunch of children weren't enough to take down Regotha. Maybe now we will have a challenge, after I utterly annihilate two treacherous colonies. Vengeance for the greatest commander will be achieved on the streets of Iota Zulu.

Aww, does mommy's little dictator need a nap? He seems to get delusional when he's tired. And when he's not tired. Literally all the time, really.
Iota Zulu's actions towards independence from a ruthless dictator were brave and inspiring. Lukkastor is fully committed to their defense, as well as the defense of any other colonies who choose to break the shackles of tyranny.
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